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State of Connecticut
Flag of Connecticut Seal of Connecticut
Flag Astaan
  • The Constitution State (official)
  • The Nutmeg State
  • The Provisions State
  • The Land of Steady Habits
Heesta Gobolka: "Yankee Doodle"
Map of the United States with Connecticut highlighted
Map of the United States with Connecticut highlighted
Luuqada DowligaNone
Caasimada ugu weynBridgeport[6]
MetropolitanGreater Hartford[7]
DeegaankaBaaxada 48th
 • Wadar5,567 sq mi
(14,357 km2)
 • Balac110 miles (177 km)
 • Dherer70 miles (113 km)
 • % biyo12.6
 • Lool40°58′ N to 42°03′ N
 • Dhigo71°47′ W to 73°44′ W
BulshadaHeerka Bulshada 29th
 • Wadar3,588,184 (2017 est.)[8]
 • Cufnaanta739/sq mi  (285/km2)
Tirada Dadka 4th
 • Dhaqaalaha$72,889[9] (2nd)
 • Barta ugu sareysaMassachusetts border on south slope of Mount Frissell[10][11]
2,379 ft (725 m)
 • Dhexdhexaad500 ft  (150 m)
 • Barta ugu hooseysaLong Island Sound[10][11]
sea level
Gobolnimada Ka HorConnecticut Colony
La Midoobay WadankaJanuary 9, 1788 (5th)
BadhasaabkaDannel Malloy (D)
Gudoomiyaha GobolkaNancy Wyman (D)
XeerdejintaGeneral Assembly
 • Golaha GuurtidaSenate
 • Aqalka HooseHouse of Representatives
Xubnaha GuurtidaRichard Blumenthal (D)
Chris Murphy (D)
Aqalka Wakiilada5 Democrats (diiwaan gashan)
Soonka WakhtigaEastern: UTC −5/−4
Loo soo gaabiyaCT, Conn.
Connecticut state symbols
Living insignia
BirdAmerican robin
FishAmerican shad
FlowerMountain laurel
InsectPraying mantis
TreeWhite oak
Inanimate insignia
MottoQui Transtulit Sustinet (He Who Transplanted Still Sustains.)
Song"Yankee Doodle"
State route marker
State quarter
Released in 1999
Lists of United States state symbols

ənɛtɪkət / (ku saabsan codkani wuxuu dhagaystaa)) [12] waa gobolka ugu koonfureed ee gobolka New England ee waqooyiga bari ee Maraykanka. Marka loo eego tirakoobka 2010, wuxuu leeyahay dakhliga ugu sarreya qofka, Heerka Horumarka Aadanaha (0.962), iyo dakhliga reerka ee reerka Mareykanka ah. [13] [14] [15] Waxaa xuduud la leh Rhode Island bari, Massachusetts ilaa waqooyiga, New York ilaa galbeedka, iyo Long Island Sound oo koonfur ah. Waa caasimadeeda waa Hartford iyo magaaladeeda ugu weyn waa Bridgeport. Waa qayb ka mid ah New England, inkastoo qaybo ka mid ah waxaa badanaa la isugu keenaa New York iyo New Jersey sida aagga Tri-state. Gobolka ayaa loogu magac daray "River Connecticut", oo ah webiga weyn ee Maraykanka kaas oo qiyaastii u dhigma gobolka. Ereyga "Connecticut" waxaa laga soo xigtay ereyo kala duwan oo ku saabsan ereyada Algonquian oo ah "webiga wakhti dheer". [16]

Dadka ugu horreeya ee Connecticut waxay ahaayeen Dutchmen kuwaas oo dejiyey degmo yar oo la yiraahdo Fort Hoop oo Hartford ah oo ku yaala isku xirka Park iyo Connecticut rivers. Half of Connecticut waxay bilowgii qayb ka ahayd gumeysiga Holland ee New Netherland, oo ay ku jiraan dhul badan oo u dhaxeeya Connecticut iyo Delaware Rivers. Degmooyinka ugu horreeya ee aasaasiga ah ayaa la aasaasay 1630kii by Ingiriisi. Thomas Hooker wuxuu hogaaminayay koox raacsan oo ka soo jeeda magaalada Massachusetts Bay ee gobolka oo ay aasaaseen Connecticut Colony; dadka degan degaanka Massachusetts waxay aasaaseen Saybrook Colony iyo Colonel New Haven. Qeybaha Connecticut iyo New Haven waxay aasaaseen dukumeentiyooyinka aasaasiga ah ee aasaasiga ah, oo loo tixgeliyey dastuurkii kowaad ee Waqooyiga Ameerika. Sannadkii 1662, saddexda gumeysi ayaa lagu darsaday hannaankii boqortooyada, isaga oo samaystay isku xidhnaansho iskudhaf ah oo Connecticut ah. Tani waxa ay ahayd mid ka mid ah Goobaha Saddex iyo Tobanka ah ee diidey xukunka Ingiriiska ee Kacaanka Mareykanka. Connecticut waa gobolka saddexaad ee ugu hooseeya ee degaanka, [17] 29-aad ee ugu tirada badan, [18] iyo kan afraad ee ugu dad badan [17] ee 50 gobol. Waxaa loo yaqaan 'Dastuurka Dastuurka', 'State Delta State', 'State Provisions', iyo "Dhaqdhaqaaqa Deganaanshaha". [1] Waxay ahayd mid saameyn ku leh horumarinta dawladda federaalka ah ee Mareykanka.

  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named SOTS
  2. . U.S. Government Printing Office. §5.23 https://web.archive.org/web/20080831023726/http://www.gpoaccess.gov/stylemanual/. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original August 31, 2008.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  3. http://nws.merriam-webster.com/opendictionary/newword_search.php?word=Connecticutian. Soo qaatay October 25, 2015.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  4. http://www.ereferencedesk.com/resources/state-name/resident-names.html. Soo qaatay October 25, 2015.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  5. . State of Connecticut http://portal.ct.gov/about/.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  6. American FactFinder. United States Census Bureau https://www.webcitation.org/6gpGlyhlr?url=http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original April 17, 2016. Soo qaatay October 25, 2015.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  7. Template:Cite report
  8. . U.S. Census Bureau. July 1, 2017 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/CT,US/PST045217. Soo qaatay May 6, 2017.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  9. http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/median-annual-income/?currentTimeframe=0. Soo qaatay December 9, 2016.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Elevations and Distances in the United States. United States Geological Survey https://web.archive.org/web/20131109183109/http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb//pubs/booklets/elvadist/elvadist.html. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original November 9, 2013. Soo qaatay October 25, 2015.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Elevation adjusted to North American Vertical Datum of 1988.