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Emblem o Azerbaijan

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

The state emblem o Azerbaijan[1] mixes tradeetional an modren seembols. The focal pynt o the emblem is the fire seembol. This seembol comes frae the fact that Azerbaijan haes mony iverlastin fires whilk gies the name "land o eternal fire". The colors uised in composin the emblem is taen frae the naitional banner. The starn itsel stauns for the aicht branches o the Turkic fowks, an atween ilka pynt o the starn, thare is a smawer aicht pyntit starn foond.

At the bottom o the emblem is a stalk o wheat, representin the main agricultural product o the naition, whilk wis apairt o the earlier airms an aa. The ither plant representit at the bottom is aik.

See an aa

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