Adria Kombi
Hrvatske Željeznice
LTE Logistik- und Transport-GmbH
Magyar Államvasutak
Österreichische Bundesbahnen
PKP Cargo International
Slovenske Železnice
Hrvatske Željeznice
LTE Logistik- und Transport-GmbH
Magyar Államvasutak
Österreichische Bundesbahnen
PKP Cargo International
Slovenske Železnice

193 755 of PKPCI at Hrastovlje

541-109 of SŽ between Hrastovlje and Crnotice

541-104 of AK between Hrastovlje and Crnotice

510 027 of SŽ between Hrastovlje and Crnotice

193 720 of LTE between Hrastovlje and Crnotice

Class 363 of SŽ between Črnotiče and Hrastovlje

Class 713/15 - 1 of SŽ between Polževo and Ivančna Gorica

Class 610 of SŽ between Ivančna Gorica and Polževo

713-101 of SŽ at Polževo

Class 610 of SŽ between Trebnje and Štefan

713-101 of SŽ at Uršna sela

713-101 of SŽ between Črnomelj and Otovec

713-101 of SŽ between Črnomelj and Otovec

Class 713/15 - 1 of SŽ between Otovec and Črnomelj

Class 713/15 - 1 of SŽ between Črnomelj and Otovec

Class 610 of SŽ between Otovec and Črnomelj

Class 610 of SŽ between Otovec and Črnomelj

Class 713/15 - 1 of SŽ between Otovec and Črnomelj

541-106 of SŽ between Breg and Sevnica

510 031 of SŽ between Breg and Sevnica