
A new MLST scheme is now available for Streptococcus parasuis, an emerging zoonotic pathogen. The scheme has been developed by Han Zheng and colleagues at the National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

A new database is now available for Halobacteria MLST. This is our first scheme for Archaea. The scheme is based on MLSA loci described in Papke et al. 2011 (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21296924/). Database is curated by Kayo Cesar Bianco Fernandes (FIOCRUZ).

Change of data access policy - Please note that registration is now necessary to access allele, profile, and isolate data added after 31 December 2024. This includes access via the application programming interface (API) and may affect the results of your queries as a non-authenticated user.

We have had to implement rate-limiting on the API. We have always requested that API calls are limited to no more than 4 concurrent connections. This is now enforced due to abuse and additional connections will automatically be rejected.

A MLST scheme for Mycoplasma hyosynoviae has been developed by Moritz Bünger and Joachim Spergser at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria and is now available.