Interpłciowość - termin parasolowy stosowany do opisania szerokiej gamy naturalnie zróżnicowanych cech płciowych u ludzi. Zróżnicowanie cech może wystąpić na poziomie chromosomów, układu hormonalnego i receptorów hormonalnych lub wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych narządów płciowych, skutkiem czego osoba interpłciowa ma ciało niewpisujące się w typowy podział na ciała męskie i żeńskie[1][2]. W przypadku niektórych osób interpłciowych ich zróżnicowane cechy płciowe widoczne są od razu po urodzeniu, mogą się one jednak również ujawnić we wczesnym dzieciństwie lub w okresie dojrzewania, a nawet dorosłości.[3]
ntersex people are individuals born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies".[1][2] Such variations may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[3][4]
Intersex people were previously referred to as hermaphrodites or "congenital eunuchs".[5][6] In 19th and 20th century medical literature, intersex was referred as true hermaphroditism, female pseudohermaphroditism, and male pseudohermaphroditism reflecting the first taxonomic efforts to classify intersex conditions.[7] These terms are no longer used: terms including the word "hermaphrodite" are considered to be misleading, stigmatizing, and scientifically specious.[8] A hermaphrodite is now defined as "an animal or plant having both male and female reproductive organs"[7]In 1917, Richard Goldschmidt created the term "intersexuality" to describe a variety of physical sex ambiguities.[7] In clinical settings, the term “disorders of sex development” (DSD) has been used since 2006.[9] This shift has been controversial since the label was introduced.[10][11][12]
Intersex people face stigmatization and discrimination from birth or discovery of an intersex trait such as from puberty. This may include infanticide, abandonment and the stigmatization of families.[13][14][15] Globally, some intersex infants and children, such as those with ambiguous outer genitalia, are surgically or hormonally altered to create more socially acceptable sex characteristics. However, this is considered controversial, with no firm evidence of good outcomes.[16] Such treatments may involve sterilization. Adults, including elite female athletes, have also been subjects of such treatment.[17][18] Increasingly these issues are considered human rights abuses, with statements from international[19][20] and national human rights and ethics institutions.[21][22] Intersex organizations have also issued statements about human rights violations, including the Malta declaration of the third International Intersex Forum.[23]
In 2011, Christiane Völling became the first intersex person known to have successfully sued for damages in a case brought for non-consensual surgical intervention.[24] In April 2015, Malta became the first country to outlaw non-consensual medical interventions to modify sex anatomy, including that of intersex people.[25][26]
Some intersex persons may be assigned and raised as a girl or boy but then identify with another gender later in life, while most continue to identify with their assigned sex.[2][4][27][28][29]
Maria Butrymówna
Katarzyna Skarżyńska
Walery Kostrzebski
Esther Kreitman
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- ↑ The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | Intersex Awareness Day – Wednesday 26 October, „{{{czasopismo}}}”, [dostęp 2019-04-23] .
- ↑ United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights , FACT SHEET - Intersex, 2015 .
- ↑ Intersex [online], Wikipedia, 22 kwietnia 2019 [dostęp 2019-04-23] (ang.).