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European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations

Grants and Tenders


The European Commission (or in some cases the European Neighbourhood Instrument partner country / Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance beneficiary country managing EU funds on the Commission’s behalf) makes direct financial contributions in the form of grants in support of projects or organisations which further the interests of the EU or contribute to the implementation of an EU programme or policy. Interested parties can apply by responding to calls for proposals.

Calls for proposals are published on EuropeAid website.


The European Commission (or in some cases the European Neighbourhood Instrument partner country / Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance beneficiary country managing EU funds on the Commission’s behalf) uses public contracts to buy goods and services - studies, technical assistance and training; consultancy, conference and publicity services; books and IT equipment etc. The providers are selected via calls for tenders which are issued by the Commission departments, offices and agencies around Europe.

Calls for tenders are published on EuropeAid website.

COVID-19: Q&A on the temporary impact contractual procedures

Q&A on the temporary impact contractual procedures

Communication and Visibility Requirements for EU External Actions

The general purpose of the new Communication and Visibility Requirements (available in: EN | FR | AR | RU) is to ensure that all EU-funded external actions will inform specific or general target audiences about the reasons for the action, the EU's support for the country or region concerned, and the outcomes and impact of that support.

The new Requirements have replaced, since the 1st January 2018, the old Visibility Manual from 2010 that continues to apply for all actions launched before the end of 2017.

However, implementing partners are strongly  encouraged to refer also to the 'Communication and Visibility Requirements' of 2018 when planning and carrying out communication activities and/or producing a variety of communication and visibility products: briefings, written material, press conferences, presentations, invitations, road signs, commemorative plaques and all other tools used to highlight the EU contribution.