Act relating to universities and university colleges
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- University and University Colleges Act
Part I. Joint provisions
Chapter 1. Purpose and scope of the Act
- Section 1-1. Purpose of the Act
- Section 1-2. The scope of the Act – universities and university colleges
- Section 1-3. The institutions' activities
- Section 1-4. The special responsibilities of certain institutions
- Section 1-5. Academic freedom and responsibility
- Section 1-6. Quality assurance
- Section 1-7. Responsibility for maintaining and further developing Norwegian academic language
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Act relating to universities and university colleges
Amendment acts incorporated in this text: This translation includes amendment Act of 21 June 2019 No. 61 (in force 1 August 2019) and all earlier amendment Acts.
Repealed by Act 8 March 2024 No. 9 from 1 August 2024.
Amendment acts not incorporated in this text:
Act 13 December 2019 No. 82 (In force 1 January 2020. Amending section 8-3).
Act 11 June 2021 No. 81 (In force 1 August 2021 and 1 August 2024 (section 3-9). Amending sections 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 3-4, 3-5, new sections 3-5 a to 3-5 h, amending sections 3-6, 3-9, 4-1, 4-3, 4-8, 4-9, 4-14, new section 4-14 a, amending sections 6-4, 7-1, 7-8, 10-2.)
Act 18 June 2021 No. 127 (In force 1 July 2021. Amending section 4-17 and 7-6.)
Act 17 June 2022 No. 68 (In force 1 August 2022 and 1 January 2023. Amending sections 1-7, 2-1, 3-4, new section 3-4 a, amending sections 3-5 h, 3-7, 4-2, 4-3, new sections 4-3 a, 4-3 b, 4-3 c, 4-3 d, 4-3 e, 4-3 f, 4-3 g, repealing section 4-5, amending sections 4-7, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10, 5-1, 5-2, 4-13, 7-6 and 7-9.)
Act 16 June 2023 No. 65 (In force 16 June 2023. New section 7-1 a, amending section 8-3.)
Act 21 June 2024 No 42 (Not yet in force. Amending section 8-7.)
This is an unofficial translation of the Norwegian version of the Act and is provided for information purposes only. Legal authenticity remains with the Norwegian version as published in Norsk Lovtidend. In the event of any inconsistency, the Norwegian version shall prevail.
The translation is provided by the Ministry of Education and Research.
Part I. Joint provisions
Chapter 1. Purpose and scope of the Act
Section 1-1.Purpose of the Act
The purpose of this Act is to make provisions for universities and university colleges to
Section 1-2.The scope of the Act – universities and university colleges
Section 1-3.The institutions' activities
Universities and university colleges must promote the purpose of the Act by:
Section 1-4.The special responsibilities of certain institutions
Section 1-5.Academic freedom and responsibility
Section 1-6.Quality assurance
Universities and university colleges must have a satisfactory internal system for quality assurance that will ensure and further develop the quality of the education. Student evaluation of courses must be included in the system for quality assurance.
🔗Del paragrafSection 1-7.Responsibility for maintaining and further developing Norwegian academic language
Universities and university colleges are responsible for maintaining and further developing Norwegian academic language.
🔗Del paragrafChapter 2. The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – NOKUT
Section 2-1.NOKUT's responsibilities and authority
NOKUT may issue more detailed regulations concerning the same topics.
🔗Del paragrafSection 2-2.NOKUT's board
Chapter 3. Academic provisions – accreditation
Section 3-1.Accreditation of study programmes and institutions
Section 3-2.Degrees, professional qualifications and titles
Section 3-3.Academic authorization
Section 3-4.General recognition
NOKUT decides, upon application from individuals, whether education from a foreign higher educational institution or a Norwegian institution not subject to this Act, will be granted general recognition so that the education in level and scope is recognized as on a par with accredited Norwegian higher education. The appeals body cannot review NOKUT's assessment of the level and scope of the completed education.
🔗Del paragrafSection 3-5.Academic recognition
Section 3-6.Requirements for admission to higher education
Section 3-7.Student admission
Section 3-8.Teaching
Section 3-9.Examinations and grading
Section 3-10.The right to sit examinations
Section 3-11.Diplomas
Chapter 4. The students' rights and obligations
Section 4-1.Student bodies
Section 4-2.Individual education plan
Between the institution and students admitted to courses of 60 credits or more, an individual education plan must be prepared. The education plan must contain provisions concerning the institution's responsibility and obligations to the student and the student's obligations to the institution and fellow students. The Ministry may issue regulations concerning the content of the education plan.
🔗Del paragrafSection 4-3.Learning environment
The Ministry may in regulations lay down further provisions concerning requirements regarding the learning environment.
Section 4-4.The students' representation in the institution's bodies
Section 4-5.Right to parental leave
Section 4-6.Students' duty of confidentiality
A student who in connection with his or her studies acquires knowledge of someone's personal circumstances, has a duty of confidentiality in accordance with the rules that apply to professional practitioners in the vocation concerned. The institution must draw up a declaration of confidentiality, which must be signed by the students to whom this applies.
🔗Del paragrafSection 4-7.Annulment of examinations or tests
Section 4-8.Exclusion and expulsion
Section 4-9.Exclusion owing to criminal offences – police certificate of good conduct
Section 4-10.Exclusion following a suitability assessment
Section 4-11.Review of exclusion decisions by a court of law
Section 4-12.Register for exchange of information concerning excluded students
Section 4-13.The degree of philosophiae doctor
Section 4-14.National diploma and grade portal (Diploma Registry)
Section 4-15.Obtaining and processing personal data in course management systems
Section 4-16.Obtaining and processing personal data in NUCAS
Section 4-17.Student ombudsperson
Chapter 5. Appeals
Section 5-1.Appeals committee and special national appeals body
Section 5-2.Appeals regarding procedural errors in connection with examinations
Section 5-3.Appeals regarding a student's grade – right to explanation
Section 5-4.Body for international cooperation on education
Chapter 6. Appointments
Section 6-1.General
In connection with appointments, etc. at institutions subject to this Act, the ordinary provisions of the Working Environment Act and the Civil Service Act will apply with the special provisions pursuant to this Act.
🔗Del paragrafSection 6-2.Gender equality
Universities and university colleges must make active, targeted and systematic efforts to ensure gender equality in all categories of employment at the institution.
🔗Del paragrafSection 6-3.Advertisement of and appointments to academic positions
Section 6-4.Appointment for a fixed term of years
Section 6-5.Temporary academic appointments
The period of employment must be stipulated by the appointing authority, and must not exceed three years. The period of employment may however be extended by a certain period required to properly evaluate the person's qualifications, but not in excess of six months. The period of employment may not be further extended, nor may the person concerned be given a new temporary appointment in the position. On expiry of the period of employment, the holder of the position is entitled to be considered for permanent employment before the position is readvertised. If the employee is not deemed to qualify for a permanent position, he or she must step down from the position without a notice period, even if he or she has been employed for more than three years.
Section 6-6.Special provisions for certain types of additional positions
A temporary appointment may be made for up to 20 per cent of an academic position. Appointments for a fixed term of years may be made for additional positions. Fixed terms may last from two to six years. The Ministry may issue regulations concerning the duration and conditions for termination of employment.
🔗Del paragrafSection 6-7.Exclusive right to use of certain occupational titles
Chapter 7. Miscellaneous provisions
Section 7-1.Fees
Section 7-2.Protection of the names of universities and university colleges
Section 7-3.Licence to practise as a government-authorized translator
Section 7-4.Staff of scientific collections
A person holding a position at a scientific collection must not without the consent of the board keep private collections of the same or a similar kind, or trade in or exchange items belonging to such a collection on his or her own account.
🔗Del paragrafSection 7-5.Basic material for almanacs
The University of Oslo will prepare the basic astronomical information necessary for the publication of almanacs and calendars in Norway.
🔗Del paragrafSection 7-6.Relationship to other legislation
Section 7-7.Reporting to a database for scientific publications
Section 7-8.Reporting to a database for statistics on higher education
Section 7-9.Prohibition on clothing that fully or partly covers the face
Part II. Private universities and university colleges
Chapter 8. Miscellaneous provisions – private institutions
Section 8-1.The institution's organization and management
Section 8-2.Delegation of authority
The board may delegate its decision-making powers to other persons or bodies at the institution unless it follows from the present Act that the decision must be taken by the board itself or that other special restrictions apply to the right to delegate authority.
🔗Del paragrafSection 8-3.State support and fees
Section 8-4.Agreements with closely related parties
Section 8-5.Supervision
Section 8-6.Reporting
Section 8-7.Financial statements and audits
Section 8-8.Order to correct
If the Ministry uncovers violations of provisions stipulated in or pursuant to this Act or in the terms for the support, the Ministry may order the institution to correct this within a given time limit.
🔗Del paragrafSection 8-9.Order to pay back state support
If state support is used in contravention of provisions stipulated in or pursuant to this Act or contrary to the terms for the support, the Ministry may demand the support to be paid back. A decision that state support must be paid back is enforceable by execution.
🔗Del paragrafSection 8-10.Compulsory fine
Section 8-11.Violation fine
Section 8-12.Withdrawal of accreditation
Part III. State universities and university colleges
Chapter 9. The board
Section 9-1.Responsibility for the institution's activities
Section 9-2.The board's responsibilities
Section 9-3.Composition of the board
Section 9-4.Election and appointment of the board
Section 9-5.Obligation to accept and act in positions of trust
Section 9-6.Board meetings
Section 9-7.Quorum and majorities
Section 9-8.Right to dismiss the board
Chapter 10. Rector. Director
Section 10-1.The Rector
Section 10-2.Elected Rector
If the election takes place in a special electoral body (særskilt valgforsamling), this must have a corresponding composition.
Section 10-3.The institution's Director
Section 10-4.The Rector's resignation
Chapter 11. Appointments
Section 11-1.Special appointment provisions for state universities and university colleges
Section 11-2.(Repealed)
Section 11-3.Summary discharge, notice, suspension and disciplinary measures
Chapter 12. Various provisions
Section 12-1.External matters
Section 12-2.The parties
Section 12-3.Property management
Section 12-4.Cooperation and participation in other activities
Part IV. Miscellaneous provisions
Chapter 13. Final provisions
Section 13-1.Entry into force
The Act must enter into force on such date1 as is decided by the King.
Section 13-2.Transitional provisions
The King may issue further transitional provisions.
🔗Del paragrafSection 13-3.Amendments to other Acts
With effect from the entry into force of the present Act the following amendments are made to other Acts: – – –
🔗Del paragrafSection 13-4.Repeal of earlier Acts
With effect from the entry into force of the present Act, the following Acts are repealed: