カテゴリ:英語 英国英語
カテゴリ「英語 英国英語」にあるページ
このカテゴリには 593 ページが含まれており、そのうち以下の 200 ページを表示しています。
(前のページ) (次のページ)A
- abattoir
- ablution
- ablutions
- abridgement
- accountancy
- advert
- Afghan
- afterwards
- against the collar
- airn
- all over the gaff
- all over the shop
- allotment
- alphabetise
- American football
- amphitheatre
- anaemia
- anagramise
- anagrammatisation
- anagrammatise
- antagonise
- antisocial
- appetising
- armourer
- ask after
- at a rate of knots
- aubergine
- authorised
- aye
- baggage reclaim
- baptise
- bargoose
- barrack
- Bart
- baseballer
- bastarding
- batchelor
- bathe
- batter
- battle
- beak
- bear
- bearcat
- behaviour
- behove
- bent
- billiard
- billiards
- bint
- blackback
- bland
- blast
- bleeding
- blinder
- blinding
- block
- blood group
- blue
- blunt
- bob
- bobsleigh
- bombardier
- border
- bosser
- breve
- brew
- brief
- brigadier general
- brolly
- brutalises
- buffalo
- buggy
- bull
- bum bag
- bureau
- bureau de change
- burgle
- business
- bylaw
- cabin
- cant
- canvasses
- capsise
- caravan
- carriage
- centimetre
- centralise
- centralised
- char
- Charlie's dead
- chestnut
- Chinese
- chivalry
- Christianise
- Christmas cracker
- cider
- class
- climbing frame
- cloakroom
- clothes peg
- cock
- colliery
- colouration
- colour blindness
- coloured
- colouring
- commoner
- comprehensive
- comprehensive school
- conservative
- continental
- coop
- cordial
- cossie
- cot death
- counselled
- counselling
- cozzie
- crack
- cracking
- creek
- crew
- cricket
- crisp
- crocodile clip
- crust
- crusty
- cunt