Server-side brute-force module.
the following weeks.
brut3k1t is a server-side bruteforce module that supports dictionary attacks for several protocols. The current protocols that are complete and in support are:
There will be future implementations of different protocols and services (including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).
Installation is simple. brut3k1t requires several dependencies, although they will be installed by the program if you do not have it.
- argparse - utilized for parsing command line arguments
- paramiko - utilized for working with SSH connections and authentication
- ftplib - utilized for working with FTP connections and authentication
- smtplib - utilized for working with SMTP (email) connections and authentication
- fbchat - utilized for connecting with Facebook
- selenium - utilized for web scraping, which is used with Instagram (and later Twitter)
- xmppy - utiized for XMPP connections ...and more within the future!
Downloading is simple. Simply git clone
git clone
Change to directory:
cd /path/to/brut3k1t
Receiving errors about missing modules/libraries? Make sure that python-pip
is installed, and try:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Utilizing brut3k1t is a little more complicated than just running a Python file.
Typing python brut3k1t -h
shows the help menu:
usage: [-h] [-s SERVICE] [-u USERNAME] [-w PASSWORD] [-a ADDRESS]
[-p PORT] [-d DELAY]
Server-side bruteforce module written in Python
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
Provide host address for specified service. Required
for certain protocols
-p PORT, --port PORT Provide port for host address for specified service.
If not specified, will be automatically set
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Provide the number of seconds the program delays as
each password is tried
required arguments:
-s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
Provide a service being attacked. Several protocols
and services are supported
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Provide a valid username for service/protocol being
-w PASSWORD, --wordlist PASSWORD
Provide a wordlist or directory to a wordlist
Cracking SSH server running on
using root
and wordlist.txt
as a wordlist.
python -s ssh -a -u root -w wordlist.txt
The program will automatically set the port to 22, but if it is different, specify with -p
Cracking email [email protected]
with wordlist.txt
on port 25
with a 3 second delay. For email it is necessary to use the SMTP server's address. For e.g Gmail =
. You can research this using Google.
python -s smtp -a -u [email protected] -w wordlist.txt -p 25 -d 3
Cracking XMPP [email protected]
with wordlist.txt
on default port 5222
. XMPP also is similar to SMTP, whereas you will need to provide the address of the XMPP server, in this case
python -s xmpp -a -u test -w wordlist.txt
Cracking Facebook is quite a challenge, since you will require the target user ID, not the username.
python -s facebook -u 1234567890 -w wordlist.txt
Cracking Instagram with username test
with wordlist wordlist.txt
and a 5 second delay
python -s instagram -u test -w wordlist.txt -d 5
If you do not supply the port
flag, the default port for that service will be used. You do not need to provide it for Facebook and Instagram, since they are um... web-based. :) -
If you do not supply the delay
flag, the default delay in seconds will be 1. -
Remember, use the SMTP server address and XMPP server address for the address
flag, when cracking SMTP and XMPP, respectively. -
Facebook requires the username ID. This is a little bit of a setback since some people do not display their ID publicly on their profile.
Make sure the wordlist and its directory is specified. If it is in
specify that for the wordlist-w
flag. -
Remember that some protocols are not based on their default port. A FTP server will not necessarily always be on port
. Please keep that in mind. -
Use this for educational and ethical hacking purposes, as well as the sake of learning code and security-oriented practices. No script kiddies!
Thanks for trying out brut3k1t! I've been pretty lazy in terms of development and keeping this code updated and in track, so please PLEASE report any sort of errors that arise (including false-positives).