Contact: Telegram
A stable telegram bot to get restricted messages with custom thumbnail support , made by Mahesh Chauhan.
- works for both public and private channels
- Custom thumbnail support for Pvt medias
- supports text and webpage media messages
- Faster speed
- Forcesubscribe available
- (For owner only) Use this command to save upto 100 files from a pvt or public restricted channel at once.- Time delay is added to avoid FloodWait and keep user account safe.
- Owner user idFORCESUB
- Public channel username without '@'. Don't forget to add bot in channel as administrator.
API: API scrapper Bot or
BOT TOKEN: @Botfather on telegram
Deploy on VPS
Easy Method:
- Intall docker-compose
- Fill in the variables in docker-compose.yml file using your favorite text editor or nano
- Start the container
sudo apt install docker-compose -y
nano docker-compose.yml
sudo docker-compose up --build
The hard Way:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg git python3-pip
git clone your_repo_link
cd saverestrictedcontentbot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m main
- if you want bot to be running in background then enter
screen -S srcb
beforepython3 -m main
- after
python3 -m main
, click ctrl+A and ctrl+D - if you want to stop bot, then enter
screen -r srcb
and click ctrl+A then press K and enter Y.
Deploy your bot on Render
Tutorial - Click here
Deploy your bot on heroku
» Method - 1:
- Star the repo, and fork it in desktop mode
- Go to settings of your forked repo
- Rename your repo by any other name
- Click on
» Method - 2:
- Star the repo, and fork it in desktop mode
- create app in heroku
- go to settings of app›› config vars›› add all variables
- add buildpacks
- connect to github and deploy
- turn on dynos
Buildpacks for manual deploy:
Deploy your bot on Okteto
Tutorial for okteto - click here