This is a helper Gem to acceptance test the various Vox Pupuli Puppet modules using beaker. This Gem provides common functionality for all beaker based acceptance testing. The aim is to reduce the boiler plate and need for modulesync.
Add the voxpupuli-acceptance
Gem to your Gemfile
gem 'voxpupuli-acceptance'
In your spec/spec_helper_acceptance.rb
require 'voxpupuli/acceptance/spec_helper_acceptance'
This module provides rake helpers. It prefers puppetlabs_spec_helper but falls back to beaker-rspec. Commonly invoked as:
To do so, in your Rakefile
require 'voxpupuli/acceptance/rake'
It can then be invoked as:
BEAKER_SETFILE=centos7-64 bundle exec rake beaker
To list all known setfiles, you can run bundle exec setfiles
That command is provided by puppet_metadata, it will parse the local metadata.json and generate a list of supported setfiles based on the supported operating systems in the module.
Other common environment variables:
defaults todocker
, can be set tovagrant_libvirt
(using VirtualBox)BEAKER_DESTROY
can be set tono
to avoid destroying the box after completion. Useful to inspect failures. Another common value isonpass
which deletes it only when the tests pass.BEAKER_PROVISION
can be set tono
to reuse a box. Note that the box must exist already. SeeBEAKER_DESTROY
. Known to be broken with beaker-docker.BEAKER_SETFILE
is used to point to a setfile containing definitions. To avoid storing large YAML files in all repositories, beaker-hostgenerator is used to generate them on the fly when the file is not present.BEAKER_PUPPET_COLLECTION
defines the puppet collection that will be configured, defaults topuppet
. When set tonone
, no repository will be configured and distro package naming is assumed. When set topreinstalled
, it assumes the OS is already set up with a collection but it still ensurespuppet-agent
optional env var to set the puppet agent package name. If not set, the package name will be determined using puppet_metadata.
Since it's still plain RSpec, it is also possible to call an individual test file:
BEAKER_SETFILE=centos7-64 bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance/my_test.rb
By default the Docker hypervisor is used. This can be changed with BEAKER_HYPERVISOR
The easiest way to debug in a Docker container is to open a shell:
docker exec -it -u root ${container_id_or_name} bash
To use Vagrant, use:
To use vagrant-libvirt, use:
The Vagrantfile
for the created virtual machines will be in .vagrant/beaker_vagrant_files
. From there you can use vagrant ssh
as you normally would.
It is possible to use Puppet to set up an acceptance node. By default spec/setup_acceptance_node.pp
is used if it exists. This can be changed. Use false
to disable this behavior even if the file exists.
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.setup_acceptance_node = File.join('spec', 'setup_acceptance_node.pp')
This acceptance node setup script runs once per host once all other configuration is done.
It is also possible to do per host configuration by providing a block:
require 'voxpupuli/acceptance/spec_helper_acceptance'
configure_beaker do |host|
if fact_on(host, '') == 'CentOS'
install_package(host, 'epel-release')
This block is executed after all host configuration is done except applying the acceptance node script.
By default the module uses beaker-module_install_helper. Its approach is copying the module and then install every dependency as listed in the module's metadata.json. This is a slow process and if the latest modules aren't accepted, it can lead to problems.
# This is the default
configure_beaker(modules: :metadata)
An alternative is to use the fixtures:
configure_beaker(modules: :fixtures)
This will switch to use puppet-modulebuilder on all modules present in spec/fixtures/modules
. This is faster, but more importantly it also allows using git versions of modules. No dependency resolution is done and it is up to the module developer to ensure it's a correct set. It is also up to the module developer to ensure the fixtures are checked out before beaker runs.
# In Rakefile
task :beaker => "spec_prep"
It's also possible to skip module installation altogether, giving the module developer complete freedom to handle this.
configure_beaker(modules: nil)
It can be useful to provide facts via environment variables. A possible use is run the test suite with version 1.0 and 1.1. Often it's much easier to run the entire suite with version 1.0 and run it with 1.1 in a complete standalone fashion.
Voxpupuli-acceptance converts all environment variables starting with BEAKER_FACTER_
and stores them in /etc/facter/facts.d/voxpupuli-acceptance-env.json
on the target machine. All environment variables are converted to lowercase.
Given following spec_helper_acceptance.rb
is used:
require 'voxpupuli/acceptance/spec_helper_acceptance'
class { 'mymodule':
version => fact('mymodule_version'),
configure_beaker do |host|
apply_manifest_on(host, MANIFEST, catch_failures: true)
Then it can be tested with:
BEAKER_FACTER_MYMODULE_VERSION=1.0 bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_FACTER_MYMODULE_VERSION=1.1 bundle exec rake beaker
Many CI systems make it easy to build a matrix with this.
If no environment variables are present, the file is removed. It is not possible to store structured facts.
This behavior can be disabled altogether:
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.suite_configure_facts_from_env = false
In many acceptance tests it's useful to override some defaults. For example, configure_repository
should default to false in the module but is always on in acceptance tests. Hiera is a good tool for this and using beaker-hiera it's easy and on by default.
To use this, create spec/acceptance/hieradata
and use it as a regular Hiera data directory. It can be changed as follows. The defaults are shown:
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.suite_hiera = true
c.suite_hiera_data_dir = File.join('spec', 'acceptance', 'hieradata')
c.suite_hiera_hierachy = [
name: "Per-node data",
path: 'fqdn/%{facts.networking.fqdn}.yaml',
name: 'OS family version data',
path: 'family/%{}/%{facts.os.release.major}.yaml',
name: 'OS family data',
path: 'family/%{}.yaml',
name: 'Common data',
path: 'common.yaml',
Some RSpec shared examples are shipped by default. These make it easier to write tests.
Often you want to test some manifest is idempotent. This means applying a manifest and ensuring there are no failures. It then applies again and ensures no changes were made.
describe 'myclass' do
it_behaves_like 'an idempotent resource' do
let(:manifest) do
include myclass
In modules there's the convention to have an examples directory. It's actually great to test these in acceptance. For this a shared example is available:
describe 'my example' do
it_behaves_like 'the example', 'my_example.pp'
For this examples/my_example.pp
must exist and contain valid Puppet code. It then uses the idempotent resource shared example.
Some Serverspec extensions are shipped and enabled by default. These make it easier to write tests but were not accepted by Serverspec upstream.
Often you want to test some service that exposes things over HTTP.
Instead of using command("curl …")
you can use curl_command(…)
which behaves like a Serverspec command
but adds matchers for the HTTP response code and the response body.
describe curl_command("") do
its(:response_code) { eq(200) }
its(:exit_status) { eq 0 }
describe curl_command('', headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }) do
its(:response_code) { eq(200) }
its(:body_as_json) { eq({'status': 'ok'}) }