I found it interesting to try to apply Extreme learning machine for time series forecast. What are ELM?
Single hidden Layer Feedforward Network (SLFNs)
- Hβ = T ; where H is hidden layer matrix, β is output weigths matrix, T is vector of labels
- Weigths are randomly assigned, thus H known
- solve for Hβ - T = 0 for β by Moore-Penrose inverse
DataPrep.ipynb --- Data exploration, filling, cleaning, feature engineering M1_ELM.ipynb --- ELM implementation for price predicion and directionality prediction Pipeline.ipynb --- Example of higher level functions used directly on dataset codebase.py --- Cleaned and wrapped function ELM.py --- ELM implementation (source: https://github.com/burnpiro/elm-pure) Dataset.csv --- Original dateset Dataset_tidy.csv --- Postprocessed dataset