- Seattle, WA
- @LichtmanLabs
typescript-eslint Public
Forked from typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
TypeScript Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScriptTypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
nodejstools Public
Forked from microsoft/nodejstoolsNode.js Tools for Visual Studio
roslyn Public
Forked from dotnet/roslynThe Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.
aspnetcore-tooling Public
Forked from dotnet/razorTools for ASP.NET Core apps, such as MSBuild targets, Visual Studio extensions, and command line tools. (Open issues on https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues)
TypeScript-Website Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScript-WebsiteThe Website and web infrastructure for learning TypeScript
toolkit-for-ynab Public
Forked from toolkit-for-ynab/toolkit-for-ynabA general purpose YNAB enhancing browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. Have it your way!
TypeScript-TmLanguage Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScript-TmLanguageTextMate grammar files for TypeScript for VS Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.
JSTSdocs-1 Public
Forked from microsoft/JSTSdocsJavaScript/TypeScript in Visual Studio docs
eslint Public
Forked from eslint/eslintA fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript
definitelytyped.github.io Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/definitelytyped.github.ioWebsite content for definitelytyped.org
types-publisher Public
Forked from microsoft/types-publisherThe service which publishes the contents of DefinitelyTyped to npm.
eslint-plugin-typescript Public
Forked from bradzacher/eslint-plugin-typescriptTypeScript plugin for ESLint
tslint Public
Forked from palantir/tslint🚦 An extensible linter for the TypeScript language
typescript-eslint-parser Public
Forked from eslint/typescript-eslint-parserA parser that converts TypeScript source code into an ESTree-compatible form.
typescript-estree Public
Forked from JamesHenry/typescript-estree✨ A parser that converts TypeScript source code into an ESTree-compatible form
jsdocs Public
Forked from billti/jsdocsJavaScript and TypeScript docs for VS 2017
TypeScript-wiki Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScript-wikiA repository to make changes to the TypeScript Wiki on GitHub
visualstudio-docs Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/visualstudio-docsNote: this repo moved to the MicrosoftDocs organization on June 23, 2017. Traffic to the previous URLs will be redirected here.
websdk Public
Forked from dotnet/websdkMSBuild tasks and targets required for publishing ASP.NET applications
react Public
Forked from facebook/reactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
templating Public
Forked from aspnet/TemplatingASP.NET Core templates for .NET CLI and Visual Studio