Caching Serverless Proxy for Serverless Functions using Cloudflare Worker
You can use this to use your own custom domain with Serverless Function
It also provides caching which can be nifty if you are using Serverless Assets
Example using Serverless Video App
- Setup your Serverelss Function (I'm using Twilio's free Video App here)
- Setup up your a Cloudflare Worker
- ORIGIN: hostname of external host
- PROTOCOL: https or http
Copy the code from index.js into a new worker. This can be done using the Cloudflare GUI or using Wrangler.
- Add a route to your worker so that it can answer requests on your domain hosted on cloudflare
As long as the proxy status of the subdomain or domain is set to "Proxied" using cloudflare, the worker will respond to all requests and proxy them to your Serverless Functions & Assets. Cloudflare will also serve as a super-fast georedundant CDN for your assets.
Use your function with your own domain