👋 Hello I’m Shubhro Dev
🎓 I’m currently pursuing Btech CSE from RGIPT Jais
💻This is my official GitHub
📝I am highly interested in Web-Development and AI-ML
Lung Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning and Soft Attention
Jupyter Notebook 1
About Repository contains code for Diabetes prediction using DL
Jupyter Notebook 1
Repository contains code for Heart disease detection using DL. This is also my first notebook created.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Repository contains code for Cervical Cancer detection using DL
Jupyter Notebook 1
Lung Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning and Soft Attention
Jupyter Notebook 1
About Repository contains code for Diabetes prediction using DL
Jupyter Notebook 1
Repository contains code for Heart disease detection using DL. This is also my first notebook created.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Repository contains code for Cervical Cancer detection using DL
Jupyter Notebook 1
Lung Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning and Soft Attention
Jupyter Notebook 1
About Repository contains code for Diabetes prediction using DL
Jupyter Notebook 1
Repository contains code for Heart disease detection using DL. This is also my first notebook created.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Repository contains code for Cervical Cancer detection using DL
Jupyter Notebook 1