In this repository, you will find source codes, explanations, and other resources for Web Design Master Class. It is an open-source repository and feels free to add documentation, examples, and other references when necessary. Please create issues when you get confused or if something does not work. Other members will help you to solve your issues.
- Introduction
- Environment Setup
- 2.1 Environment Setup Introduction
- 2.2 Install Google Chrome Browser
- 2.3 Chrome Extensions for Web Designers
- 2.3.1 WhatFont
- 2.3.1 (Issue Solved) Issue Fixed - Google Chrome CSS Overview
- 2.3.2 ColorZilla
- 2.3.3 Page Ruler Redux
- 2.3.4 CSS Viewer
- 2.4 Install Visual Studio Code
- 2.5 Important VSCode Extensions
- 2.5.1 Auto Close Tag
- 2.5.2 Auto Rename Tag
- 2.5.3 Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 4 or (for Bootstrap 5) Bootstrap 5 & Font awesome Snippets
- 2.5.4 Code Runner
- 2.5.5 Code Spell Checker
- 2.5.6 Color Highlight
- 2.5.7 Git History
- 2.5.8 GitLense - Git supercharged
- 2.5.9 IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
- 2.5.10 Live Server
- 2.5.11 Lorem ipsum VScode(Emmet) already has this feature. Type lorem and number of word and hit tab. Example. lorem100
- 2.5.12 (File Icon Theme) Material Icon Theme
- 2.5.13 Open in Browser
- 2.5.14 Prettier - Code formatter
- 2.5.15 (File Icon Theme) vscode-icons
- 2.5.16 (Theme) Dracula Official
- 2.5.17 (Font) Fira Code
- 2.5.18 Goto Settings > search "font family" > set font to "Fira Code" (without quote)
- 2.5.19 Goto Settings > search "font ligature" > open in json > set "editor.fontLigatures": true
- 2.6 Install Git to Your Machine
- 2.7 Install NodeJS to Your Machine
- 2.8 Install Windows Terminal 1.0
- 2.9 Install Postman - A REST API Client
- Play with HTML & CSS
- HTML Common Tags
- CSS Units
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Layout using Floats
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Grid Layout
- CSS Display Properties
- CSS Positions
- CSS Pseudo Classes and Elements
- CSS Advanced Common Topics
- CSS Transformations
- CSS Transitions
- CSS Animations
- HTML Head
- HTML Link
- HTML List
- Project 1 - Navigation Bar
- Project 2 - HTML Dropdown Design
- Project 3 - HTML Mega
- Project 4 - HTML Table Design
- Project 5 - HTML Form Design
- Project 6 - Image Gallery
- Project 7 - Single Page Portfolio
- Project 8 - Multi Page Blog
- CSS Responsive Design
- CSS Frameworks
- Bootstrap 5 Layouts
- Bootstrap 5 Components
- Bootstrap 5 Utilities
- Project - 9 Bootstrap 5 Blog Design
- CSS Programming using SCSS
- Project 10 - Corporate Website
- Project 11 - ECommerce Website