PsSqliteOrm is a powershell module aimed at abstracting SQL operations against a SQLite database. PsSqliteOrm takes attributes from the cmdlets given by the user and tries to construct a SQL command and then execute the SQL command against the database. This will make CRUD operatios easy to perform and doesn't require SQL knoweldge to interact with a database.
SQLite provides a .NET assembly to open such database files.
Download the latest version which also fits your >NET version. >NET4.5 is usually preinstalled and a good choice for all Win10 versions.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\temp\"
mkdir c:\temp\
Expand-Archive c:\temp\ -DestinationPath c:\temp\
Load libarary
Add-Type -Path "C:\temp\\System.Data.SQLite.dll"
Start a new connection to a database file by specifying the path of your DB.
$Connection = New-Connection -Path "c:\temp\sqlite\users.db"