Note: needs a ruby ~> 2.3
For now:
git clone
cd piglab && bash ./bin/setup
There is a Guard configuration that will automatically run tests as you modify snort's configuration or rules. The specific tests will be invoked depending on which type of modification has been made.
This will, for example, ensure that an update to snort's config will pass a syntax check, or the introduction of a new rule fires on required pcaps and doesn't fire on others.
To get guard mode started: bundle exec guard
{TODO: slightly incomplete}
There are a bunch of Rake tasks for running snort in various configs.
Use bundle exec rake -T snort
for more details:
snort:conf:full # generate full config
snort:run:all # run all rules against all pcaps
snort:run:only # run all rules against specific pcap collections
snort:test:all # run test rules against all pcaps
snort:test:only # run test rules against specific pcap collection
There is also an interactive pry console for your project:
13:41 $ bundle exec console
:root: "/Users/ryan/build/piglab"
:conf_dir: "/Users/ryan/build/piglab/conf"
:rules_dir: "/Users/ryan/build/piglab/conf/rules"
[1] pry(main)>
where you can interact with snort's configuration:
[20] pry(main)> puts project.render_snort_conf(expand: true)
## GENERATED ON: 2017-01-25 14:01:25
## TARGET PLATFORM: darwin16
## INCLUDED SECTIONS: var_net, var_path, output, engine_decoder, engine_detection, engine_dynamic, rules_local
config policy_mode:tap
include classification.config
include reference.config
### BEGIN var_net
ipvar HOME_NET any
ipvar EXTERNAL_NET any
### BEGIN rules_base
include $RULE_PATH/app-detect.rules
include $RULE_PATH/attack-responses.rules
include $RULE_PATH/backdoor.rules
include $RULE_PATH/bad-traffic.rules
## ## master...origin/master [ahead 1]
## commit 174d9696ed23e5a6be98c38ee74e6d2a299f7603
## Author: Ryan Breed
## Date: Wed Jan 25 14:01:07 2017 -0600
or interact with the pcap collection:
packets = project.readpackets(collection: :boring)
or discover regex patterns in sample strings
samples = packets.read_streams(:http_client_request).grep(%r{^Directory: })
project.discover_patterns(strings: samples, expand: :to_re)
{TODO: example}
or interact with the rule collection. this disables all of the community rules for SERVER-WEBAPP:
project.rules.matches_msg("SERVER-WEBAPP") do |collection|
collection.rules.each do |rule|
rule.disable if rule.metadata.match(/ruleset community/)