Put your minecraft server to rest, while SleepingServerStarter is watching !
A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
Uses WiFi signals 📶 and machine learning to predict where you are
webhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands
s3git: git for Cloud Storage. Distributed Version Control for Data. Create decentralized and versioned repos that scale infinitely to 100s of millions of files. Clone huge PB-scale repos on your lo…
Changes screen gamma on iOS, no jailbreak required
Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)
OAuth Modules for Node.js - Supporting RSA, HMAC, PLAINTEXT, 2,3-Legged, 1.0a, Echo, XAuth, and 2.0
Experimental Ruby version of Aspen/Pando. Want it? :)
grisha / thredis
Forked from redis/redisThredis is Threaded Redis. Thredis is a fork of Redis that allows for complex operations to be processed in parallel threads for better performance on multi-core systems. See and README…
hardkernel / linux
Forked from torvalds/linuxLinux kernel source tree
rjp / brunch
Forked from brunch/brunchHTML5 applications made easy.
rjp / redo
Forked from apenwarr/redoSmaller, easier, more powerful, and more reliable than make. An implementation of djb's redo.
rjp / spotify-api-server
Forked from liesen/spotify-api-serverHTTP interface to libspotify
Random experiments and junk to do with spotify API / whatnots
rjp / node-spotify
Forked from peol/node-spotifyA very simple node.js library for the Spotify REST API
rjp / WebContentView
Forked from nicklockwood/WebContentViewWebContentView provides a simple native interface for rendering rich HTML content in an iPhone app using a UIWebView. It is not designed to work as a embedded web browser for on or offline content,…
rjp / lum
Forked from radare/lumLuvit Module utility (also known as lumit)