zhlaw Public
Data processing and static site generation for zhlaw.ch.
freedit Public
Forked from freedit-org/freeditThe safest and lightest forum, powered by rust.
Rust MIT License UpdatedJan 21, 2025 -
piccolaw-apps Public
A collection of web apps to (partially) automate common legal problems. Built with PyWebIO.
entscheidsuche-rss-generator Public
A Python script to request results from the entscheidsuche.ch elastic API and serve them as an RSS feed.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2023 -
ch-ws-db Public
Python crawler to record wind speed data (10min/1s) into a SQLite database through Github Actions.
Python UpdatedSep 15, 2022 -
ch-ws-eval Public
A simple web app to evaluate wind speeds taken from a db. Made with PyWebIO. Prototype.
Python UpdatedSep 2, 2022 -
lab Public
Forked from Uberspace/labThe Uberlab provides various tutorials - written by you! - on how to run software and tools on Uberspace 7.
Python Other UpdatedJul 31, 2022 -
manual Public
Forked from Uberspace/manualThis manual documents how to use the basic features of Uberspace 7.
Python Other UpdatedJul 26, 2022 -
ch-law-tracker Public archive
A Python script to track changes in Swiss Federal Law over time through Git.