In order to download some open source libraries published on GitHub Pacakges, a GitHub Personal Access Token is needed with packages:read
You can generate one quickly on this page. Or, for more details, see Creating a personal access token.
Alternatively the credentials are also read from your environment if GITHUB_USER
Note: See GitHub packages docs for more details and.
- JDK 11 (ex: openjdk-11-jdk on Ubuntu)
- libsodium
- cryptobox-c
- cryptobox4j
- Android (see the Android Reloaded module)
- JVM (see the cli module)
- iOS (partially)
- JavaScript (just a tiny bit)
The cli
can be executed on the terminal of any machine that
satisfies the dependencies mentioned above, and is capable of actions like:
- Logging in
- Create a group conversation
- Add user to group conversation
- Receive and send text messages in real time
- Remove another client from your account remotely
- Refill MSL key packages
Just run make
, which will download and compile dependencies listed above from source,
the output will be $PROJECT_ROOT$/native/libs
When running any tasks that require the native libraries (libsodium
, cryptobox-c
and cryptobox4j
), you need to pass their location as VM options like so:
For example, if you want to run the task jvmTest
and the libraries are in ./native/libs
./gradlew jvmTest -Djava.library.path=./native/libs
Run the following with the native libs in the classpath (-Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/:./native/libs):
./gradlew :cli:assemble
java -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/:./native/libs -jar cli/build/libs/cli.jar login
or if you want the jar file deleted after your run:
./gradlew :cli:run --args="login" -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/:./native/libs
For running on arm64 mac
./gradlew :cli:macosArm64Binaries
./cli/build/bin/macosArm64/debugExecutable/cli.kexe login
For running on intel mac
./gradlew :cli:macosX64Binaries
./cli/build/bin/macosX64/debugExecutable/cli.kexe login
We use and try to maintain our codestyle uniformed, so apart from having our checks in place in our CI. You can have live feedback using the IDE, here is how:
IntelliJ -> Settings -> Plugins -> Marketplace -> Search and install "Detekt"
Settings -> Tools -> Detekt -> set: (replace $PROJECT_ROOT accordingly to your machine)
- Configuration Files: $PROJECT_ROOT/detekt/detekt.yml
- Baseline File: $PROJECT_ROOT/detekt/baseline.yml (optional)
- Plugin Jars: $PROJECT_ROOT/detekt-rules/build/libs/detekt-rules.jar (this will add our custom rules to provide live feedback)
You can run locally in your terminal:
./gradlew clean detekt
The logo is adapted from OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0