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Time-Lock Puzzle schemes implemented in Go and compiled to WebAssembly

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Time-Lock Puzzles allow one to hide a message in a cryptographic puzzle that can only be solved after performing an operation $x$ times. The operation is constructed in a way such that a parallel execution is impossible which ensures that the puzzle's difficulty can be reliably determined using current advancements in hardware as a baseline.

The repository includes two Time-Lock Puzzle implementations.

The first implementation is the Time-Lock Puzzle construction which was introduced by Rivest et al. in "Time-Lock Puzzles and Timed-Release Crypto". Using this scheme, one can hide a message in a puzzle which is recoverable after time $t$.

The second implementation is the Linearly Homomorphic Time Lock Puzzle construction that was introduced by Malavolta et al. in "Homomorphic Time-Lock Puzzles and Applications". This scheme is special in that it allows for the combination of multiple puzzles into one puzzle which, once solved, reveals the sum of the individual puzzles that were combined.

Note that the code was written for educational purposes only. The project wasn't audited and shouldn't be used in production.


  1. git clone <url>
  2. cd <name>
  3. go run ./cmd/tlp
  4. go test ./...
  5. GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o ./frontend/src/assets/main.wasm cmd/wasm/main.go
  6. cd frontend
  7. npm install
  8. npm run dev

Useful Commands

go run <package-path>

go build [<package-path>]

go test [<package-path>][/...] [-v] [-parellel <number>]
go test -bench=. [<package-path>] [-count <number>] [-benchmem] [-benchtime 2s] [-memprofile <name>]
go test -cover [<package-path>]
go test -race [<package-path>] [-count <number>]
go test -shuffle on [<package-path>]
go test -cover
go test -coverprofile <name> [<package-path>]
go test -run FuncName/RunName

go tool cover -html <name>
go tool cover -func <name>

go tool pprof -list <name> <profile-name>

go fmt [<package-path>]

go vet [<package-path>]

go clean [<package-path>]

go help <command-name>

go mod init [<module-path>]
go mod tidy
go mod vendor
go mod download

go work init [<module-path-1> [<module-path-2>] [...]]
go work use [<module-path-1> [<module-path-2>] [...]]
go work sync

# Adjust dependencies in `go.mod`.
go get <package-path>[@<version>]
go get <package-path>@none

# Build and install commands.
go install <package-path>[@<version>]

go list -m [all]

# Has to be run only once.
cp "$(go env GOROOT)/misc/wasm/wasm_exec.js" ./frontend/src/assets

# Run from project's root directory.
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o ./frontend/src/assets/main.wasm cmd/wasm/main.go

Useful Resources



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