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Python library to Google services (google search, google sets, google translate, sponsored links)

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This is a Google library called 'xgoogle'. Current version is 1.3.

It's written by Peteris Krumins ([email protected]).
His blog is at  --  good coders code, great reuse.

The code is licensed under MIT license.


At the moment it contains:
 * Google Search module xgoogle/

 * Google Sponsored Links Search module xgoogle/

 * Google Sets module xgoogle/

 * Google Translate module xgoogle/


Here is an example usage of Google Search module:

    >>> from import GoogleSearch
    >>> gs = GoogleSearch("catonmat")
    >>> gs.results_per_page = 25
    >>> results = gs.get_results()
    >>> for res in results:
    ...   print res.title.encode('utf8')


    good coders code, great reuse
    MIT's Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 1 and 2: Analysis of ...
    catonmat - Google Code

The GoogleSearch object has several public methods and properties:

    method get_results() - gets a page of results, returning a list of SearchResult objects.
    property num_results - returns number of search results found.
    property results_per_page - sets/gets the number of results to get per page.
    property page - sets/gets the search page.

A SearchResult object has three attributes -- "title", "desc", and "url".
They are Unicode strings, so do a proper encoding before outputting them.


Here is an example usage of Google Sponsored Links Search module:

    >>> from xgoogle.sponsoredlinks import SponsoredLinks, SLError
    >>> sl = SponsoredLinks("video software")
    >>> sl.results_per_page = 100
    >>> results = sl.get_results()
    >>> for result in results:
    ...   print result.title.encode('utf8')


    Photoshop Video Software
    Video Poker Software
    DVD/Video Rental Software

The SponsoredLinks object has several public methods and properties:

    method get_results() - gets a page of results, returning a list of SearchResult objects.
    property num_results - returns number of search results found.
    property results_per_page - sets/gets the number of results to get per page.

A SponsoredLink object has four attributes -- "title", "desc", "url", and "display_url".
They are Unicode strings, don't forget to use a proper encoding before outputting them.


Here is an example usage of Google Sets module:

    >>> from xgoogle.googlesets import GoogleSets
    >>> gs = GoogleSets(['red', 'yellow'])
    >>> results = gs.get_results()
    >>> print len(results)
    >>> for r in results:
    ...   print r.encode('utf8')



The GoogleSets object has only get_results(set_type) public method. The default value
for set_type is SMALL_SET, which makes it return 15 related items or fewer.
Use LARGE_SET to get more than 15 items. This get_results() method returns a list of
related items that are represented as unicode strings.
Don't forget to do the proper encoding when outputting these strings!

Here is an example showing differences between SMALL_SET and LARGE_SET:

    >>> from xgoogle.googlesets import GoogleSets, LARGE_SET, SMALL_SET
    >>> gs = GoogleSets(['python', 'perl'])
    >>> results_small = gs.get_results() # SMALL_SET by default
    >>> len(results_small)
    >>> results_small
    [u'python', u'perl', u'php', u'ruby', u'java', u'javascript', u'c++', u'c',
     u'cgi', u'tcl', u'c#']
    >>> results_large = gs.get_results(LARGE_SET)
    >>> len(results_large)
    >>> results_large
    [u'perl', u'python', u'java', u'c++', u'php', u'c', u'c#', u'javascript',
     u'howto', u'wiki', u'raid', u'dd', u'linux', u'ruby', u'language', u'xml',
     u'sgml', u'svn', u'kernel', ...]


Here is an example usage of Google Translate module:

    >>> from xgoogle.translate import Translator
    >>> translate = Translator().translate
    >>> print translate("Mani sauc Pēteris", lang_to="ru").encode('utf-8')
    Меня зовут Петр
    >>> print translate("Mani sauc Pēteris", lang_to="en")
    My name is Peter
    >>> print translate("Меня зовут Петр")
    My name is Peter

The "translate" function takes three arguments - "message", "lang_from" and "lang_to".
If "lang_from" is not given, Google's translation service auto-detects it.
If "lang_to" is not given, it defaults to "en" (English).

In case of an error the "translate" function throws "TranslationError" exception.
Make sure to wrap your code in try/except block to catch it:

    >>> from xgoogle.translate import Translator, TranslationError
    >>> try: 
    >>>   translate = Translator().translate
    >>>   print translate("")
    >>> except TranslationError, e:
    >>>   print e

    Failed translating: invalid text 

The Google Translate module also provides "LanguageDetector" class that can be used
to detect the language of the text.

Here is an example usage of LanguageDetector:

    >>> from xgoogle.translate import LanguageDetector, DetectionError
    >>> detect = LanguageDetector().detect
    >>> english = detect("This is a wonderful library.")
    >>> english.lang_code
    >>> english.lang
    >>> english.confidence
    >>> english.is_reliable

The "DetectionError" may get raised if the detection failed.


Version history:

v1.0:  * initial release, xgoogle library contains just the Google Search.
v1.1:  * added Google Sponsored Links Search.
       * fixed a bug in that might have thrown an unexpected exception.
v1.2:  * added Google Sets module
v1.3:  * added Google Translate module
       * fixed a bug in when KeyboardInterrupt did not get propagated.


That's it. Have fun! :)

Peteris Krumins


Python library to Google services (google search, google sets, google translate, sponsored links)






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