Check out the Live demo.
npm ci
npm run dev
- reactjs (with hooks)
- leaflet for map display
- parceljs as bundler
It seems this library is still not usable in a fine grained ES6 like manner.
Several issues about that are still open. I think its about time to break
backward compatibility with a semantically correct versioned 2.0 that supports
ES module imports. This will break all plugins that rely on L
exposed in the
global namespace.
The app stores the track points in local storage so they are not lost when navigating from the app's page (like when viewing the GPX output).
- Drag & Drop in track point list
- Add feedback links
- Add privacy policy and allow to clear local storage
- Undo
- Redo
- ResetTrackDialog could be embedded into ResetTrackButton as its not used somewhere else
- Remove "Reset" confirm dialog. With undo its no longer required.
- Export map as image
- Split path when clicked on it
- Add elevation display for the track