The data set in this exercise is from the blog on Flask Tutorial at Build the first Flask Python web app framework. This codebase is based on the GCP Pipeline tutorial at ML Deployment on Cloud To follow detailed explanations on the steps, please refer to the blog A Hands-on Tutorial to Continuous Deployment Pipelines for ML-based Web Apps on Google Cloud.
This project demonstrates how a Flask ML app can be deployed on Google Cloud Platform using Docker container and YAML files that are useful to build continuous deployment (CD) pipelines.
- Scikit Learn
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Flask
All the application files are contained in the folder 'app_files'. The goal is to build an ML model using Decision Tree Classifier
- - This contains code fot our Machine Learning model (Decision Tree model) to predict employee salaries absed on trainign data in '50_Startup.csv' file.
- - This contains Flask APIs that receives employee details through GUI or API calls, computes the precited value based on our model and returns it.
- - This uses requests module to call APIs already defined in and dispalys the returned value.
- templates - This folder contains the HTML template to allow user to enter employee detail and displays the predicted employee salary.
- Ensure that you are in the project home directory. Create the machine learning model by running below command -
This would create a serialized version of our model into a file model.pkl
- Run using below command to start Flask API
The flask app will run on (localhost)
Create a Google Cloud Run trigger at:
Check the deployed app at:
You now have a deployed app
- Delete the triggers on the page
- Delete the app at: