This is the main source code repository for ParaSail. It contains the compiler, the interpreter, the standard library, and documentation.
Note: this README is for users rather than contributors. If you wish to contribute to the compiler, you should read the Getting Started section of the parasail-dev-guide instead. You can ask for help at Gitter.
import Clock;
interface Dining_Philosophers<Num_Phils : Univ_Integer := 5; Context<>> is
func Dinner_Party (Length_Of_Party : Clock::Interval_Type; Context);
type Philosopher_Index is new Integer<1..Num_Phils>;
type Left_Or_Right is Enum<[#is_left_fork, #is_right_fork]>;
concurrent interface Fork<> is
func Pick_Up_Fork(queued var F : Fork; Which_Fork : Left_Or_Right);
func Put_Down_Fork(locked var F : Fork);
func Create(Index : Philosopher_Index) -> Fork;
end interface Fork;
type Fork_Array is Array<Fork, Indexed_By => Philosopher_Index>;
end interface Dining_Philosophers;
class Dining_Philosophers<Num_Phils : Univ_Integer := 5; Context<>> is
func Dinner_Party(Length_Of_Party : Clock::Interval_Type; Context) is
Delay(Context.Clock.Wall_Clock, Length_Of_Party);
Display(Context.IO.Standard_Output, "Dinner Party is over\n");
var Forks : Fork_Array := [for I in 1..Num_Phils => Create(I)];
for Phil in Philosopher_Index concurrent loop
const Left_Fork := Phil;
const Right_Fork := Phil mod Num_Phils + 1;
while True loop
Display(Context.IO.Standard_Output, "Philosopher " | Phil | " is thinking\n");
Delay(Clock, Next(Context.Random)); // Think
Pick_Up_Fork(Forks[Left_Fork], #is_left_fork);
Pick_Up_Fork(Forks[Right_Fork], #is_right_fork);
Display(Context.IO.Standard_Output, "Philosopher " | Phil | " is eating\n");
Delay(Clock, Next(Context.Random)); // Eat
end loop;
end loop;
end func Dinner_Party;
concurrent class Fork<> is
var Is_Available : Boolean;
func Create(Index : Philosopher_Index) -> Fork is
return (Is_Available => True);
end func Create;
func Pick_Up_Fork (queued var F : Fork; Which_Fork : Left_Or_Right) is
queued until F.Is_Available then
F.Is_Available := False;
end func Pick_Up_Fork;
func Put_Down_Fork(locked var F : Fork) is
F.Is_Available := True;
end func Put_Down_Fork;
end class Fork;
end class Dining_Philosophers;
- Read "ParaSail: Less is More with Multicore".
- To perfect your understanding read "ParaSail: A Pointer-Free Pervasively-Parallel Language for Irregular Computations".
- Associated slide presentation "Presentaton on ParaSail: Pointer-Free Pervasively-Parallel Language".
- To gain reference knowledge read "ParaSail: Reference Manual".
- To follow along the original multi-year design process of ParaSail, read the blog "Designing ParaSail, a new programming language".
The ParaSail community congregates in a few places:
- Stack Overflow - Direct questions about using the language.
- Gitter - General discussion and broader questions.
If you are interested in contributing to the ParaSail project, please take a look at the Getting Started section of the parasail-dev-guide.
ParaSail is primarily distributed under the terms of the ParaSail Copyright, the ParaSail Copyright 2 and the ParaSail Copyright Lib.
See ParaSail Copyright, ParaSail Copyright 2, and ParaSail Copyright Lib for details.