My pet projects:
- infrastructure projects
- orthlus/infrastructure-management - java graalvm cli, building apps and manage infrastructure objects inventory on local custom file structure
- orthlus/docker-management-script - docker compose cli wrapper, potentially safe for manual admin
- java backend apps:
- orthlus/telegram-pack - some personal telegram bots
- orthlus/media-bot - telegram bot for download media
- orthlus/cron-service - personal apps with scheduling
- orthlus/qbit-manager-bot - qbittorrent manager bot
- orthlus/ae-billing - support billing service for bots
- orthlus/dyn-dns-spring - dynamic dns cron in spring boot
- orthlus/bashorg-bot - bot with images quotes
- java libraries
- orthlus/java-cryptojs-helper - java partial implementation of CryptoJS
- orthlus/aelaort-ffmpeg - wrapper above ffmpeg wrappers
- orthlus/aelaort-s3-client - aws s3 java sdk v1 wrapper
- orthlus/s3-sdk-v2 - aws s3 java sdk v2 wrapper
- orthlus/aelaort-telegrambots - helpers for telegrambots
- orthlus/ya-iam-helper - yandex cloud token provider
- online cinema (not released) kino-online
- kino-online/docs-public - cinema app operational description
- kino-online/test-ffmpeg - ffmpeg manual testing for online-cinema
- java scripts
- orthlus/clipboard-text-simulate-printing - get text from system clipboard and simulate print it by press key
- orthlus/java-cli-tree - cli graalvm tree implementation
- python scripts
- orthlus/base64-bytes-converter - python scripts for convert large binary files to many small text files and back
- orthlus/update-dns-cloudflare - dns records update for dynamic ip, python, cloudflare api
- javascript
- orthlus/csv-to-sql-format - csv to sql data converter for ad hoc data analysis
- gists:
Why below so many contributions:
- script for fill contribution activity with jgit -
- repo with fake data with commits - orthlus/progress