Software engineer with focus on API/Integrations, Passionate about communities.
Information Systems bachelor student @UniFTC
- 🌱 Learning Rust (or trying to)
- 📚 Contact me if you're a starter, i might help you!
Currently working on personal project Sadly abandoning most of my personal projects due to lack of time:
- @gethyperos: The ultimate home-server software aiming to facilitate managing them even if you don't have docker knowledge.
- @Awesome: A topbar for windows, inspired by elementaryOS
- HyperTS: Spiritual successor to Awesome, hackable and built with Typescript & C++ FFI, capable of managing widgets in run-time for the best DX
@puray RIP- Strikr: Analytics for Omega Strikers now lives @ ClarionCorp
- MJSV: Resilient hosting for game servers and proxies.