The fastest way to browse your Magento admin interface.
The Pulse storm launcher provides the Magento admin console with a Quicksilver like plugin for immediate access to Magento navigation items, system configuration sections, and the Magento global search.
Original Blog Post:
###Build Instructions
The build_launcher.bash
file is a bash script that will create a simple tar archive of the extension files.
$ ./build_launcher.bash
This script assumes the existence of a var
The magento-tar-to-connect.launcher.php
file is a configuration file for the MagentoTarToConnect command-line script. This will allow you to build a Magento Connect 2.0 extension with the following.
$ magento-tar-to-connect.phar magento-tar-to-connect.launcher.php
See the MagentoTarToConnect for more information on how this tool works.