The WPScan software (henceforth referred to simply as "WPScan") is dual-licensed - Copyright 2011-2016 WPScan Team.
Cases that include commercialization of WPScan require a commercial, non-free license. Otherwise, WPScan can be used without charge under the terms set out below.
1.1 "License" means this document.
1.2 "Contributor" means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the creation of, or owns WPScan.
1.3 "WPScan Team" means WPScan’s core developers, an updated list of whom can be found within the CREDITS file.
A commercial use is one intended for commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
Example cases of commercialization are:
- Using WPScan to provide commercial managed/Software-as-a-Service services.
- Distributing WPScan as a commercial product or as part of one.
- Using WPScan as a value added service/product.
Example cases which do not require a commercial license, and thus fall under the terms set out below, include (but are not limited to):
- Penetration testers (or penetration testing organizations) using WPScan as part of their assessment toolkit.
- Penetration Testing Linux Distributions including but not limited to Kali Linux, SamuraiWTF, BackBox Linux.
- Using WPScan to test your own systems.
- Any non-commercial use of WPScan.
If you need to purchase a commercial license or are unsure whether you need to purchase a commercial license contact us -
We may grant commercial licenses at no monetary cost at our own discretion if the commercial usage is deemed by the WPScan Team to significantly benefit WPScan.
Free-use Terms and Conditions;
Redistribution is permitted under the following conditions:
- Unmodified License is provided with WPScan.
- Unmodified Copyright notices are provided with WPScan.
- Does not conflict with the commercialization clause.
Copying is permitted so long as it does not conflict with the Redistribution clause.
Modification is permitted so long as it does not conflict with the Redistribution clause.
Any Contributions assume the Contributor grants the WPScan Team the unlimited, non-exclusive right to reuse, modify and relicense the Contributor's content.
WPScan is provided under an AS-IS basis and without any support, updates or maintenance. Support, updates and maintenance may be given according to the sole discretion of the WPScan Team.
WPScan is provided under this License on an “as is” basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the WPScan is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing.
To the extent permitted under Law, WPScan is provided under an AS-IS basis. The WPScan Team shall never, and without any limit, be liable for any damage, cost, expense or any other payment incurred as a result of WPScan's actions, failure, bugs and/or any other interaction between WPScan and end-equipment, computers, other software or any 3rd party, end-equipment, computer or services.
Running WPScan against websites without prior mutual consent may be illegal in your country. The WPScan Team accept no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by WPScan.
WPScan comes pre-installed on the following Linux distributions:
- Ruby >= 2.1.8 - Recommended: 2.3.0
- Curl >= 7.21 - Recommended: latest - FYI the 7.29 has a segfault
- RubyGems - Recommended: latest
- Git
Windows is not supported.
If installed from Github update the code base with git pull
. The databases are updated with wpscan.rb --update
####Installing on Ubuntu:
Before Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libopenssl-ruby libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev ruby-dev
git clone
cd wpscan
sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test
From Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev ruby-dev build-essential libgmp-dev
git clone
cd wpscan
sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test
####Installing on Debian:
sudo apt-get install git ruby ruby-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev make zlib1g-dev
git clone
cd wpscan
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install --without test --path vendor/bundle
####Installing on Fedora:
sudo dnf install gcc ruby-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel libcurl-devel patch rpm-build
git clone
cd wpscan
sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test
####Installing on Archlinux:
pacman -Syu ruby
pacman -Syu libyaml
git clone
cd wpscan
sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test
gem install typhoeus
gem install nokogiri
####Installing on Mac OSX:
Apple Xcode, Command Line Tools and the libffi are needed (to be able to install the FFI gem), See
git clone
cd wpscan
sudo gem install bundler && sudo bundle install --without test
####Installing with RVM (recommended):
# Install all prerequisites for your OS (look above)
cd ~
curl -sSL | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
echo "source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc
rvm install 2.3.0
rvm use 2.3.0 --default
echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > ~/.gemrc
gem install bundler
git clone
cd wpscan
gem install bundler
bundle install --without test
Typhoeus segmentation fault
Update cURL to version => 7.21 (may have to install from source)
Proxy not working
Update cURL to version => 7.21.7 (may have to install from source).
Installation from sources :
Grab the sources from Decompress the archive Open the folder with the extracted files Run ./configure Run make Run sudo make install Run sudo ldconfig
cannot load such file -- readline:
sudo aptitude install libreadline5-dev libncurses5-dev
Then, open the directory of the readline gem (you have to locate it)
cd ~/.rvm/src/ruby-XXXX/ext/readline ruby extconf.rb make make install
See for more details
no such file to load -- rubygems
update-alternatives --config ruby
And select your ruby version
See wpscanteam#148
--update Update the database to the latest version.
--url | -u <target url> The WordPress URL/domain to scan.
--force | -f Forces WPScan to not check if the remote site is running WordPress.
--enumerate | -e [option(s)] Enumeration.
option :
u usernames from id 1 to 10
u[10-20] usernames from id 10 to 20 (you must write [] chars)
p plugins
vp only vulnerable plugins
ap all plugins (can take a long time)
tt timthumbs
t themes
vt only vulnerable themes
at all themes (can take a long time)
Multiple values are allowed : "-e tt,p" will enumerate timthumbs and plugins
If no option is supplied, the default is "vt,tt,u,vp"
--exclude-content-based "<regexp or string>"
Used with the enumeration option, will exclude all occurrences based on the regexp or string supplied.
You do not need to provide the regexp delimiters, but you must write the quotes (simple or double).
--config-file | -c <config file> Use the specified config file, see the example.conf.json.
--user-agent | -a <User-Agent> Use the specified User-Agent.
--cookie <String> String to read cookies from.
--random-agent | -r Use a random User-Agent.
--follow-redirection If the target url has a redirection, it will be followed without asking if you wanted to do so or not
--batch Never ask for user input, use the default behaviour.
--no-color Do not use colors in the output.
--wp-content-dir <wp content dir> WPScan try to find the content directory (ie wp-content) by scanning the index page, however you can specified it.
Subdirectories are allowed.
--wp-plugins-dir <wp plugins dir> Same thing than --wp-content-dir but for the plugins directory.
If not supplied, WPScan will use wp-content-dir/plugins. Subdirectories are allowed
--proxy <[protocol://]host:port> Supply a proxy. HTTP, SOCKS4 SOCKS4A and SOCKS5 are supported.
If no protocol is given (format host:port), HTTP will be used.
--proxy-auth <username:password> Supply the proxy login credentials.
--basic-auth <username:password> Set the HTTP Basic authentication.
--wordlist | -w <wordlist> Supply a wordlist for the password brute forcer.
--username | -U <username> Only brute force the supplied username.
--usernames <path-to-file> Only brute force the usernames from the file.
--threads | -t <number of threads> The number of threads to use when multi-threading requests.
--cache-ttl <cache-ttl> Typhoeus cache TTL.
--request-timeout <request-timeout> Request Timeout.
--connect-timeout <connect-timeout> Connect Timeout.
--max-threads <max-threads> Maximum Threads.
--throttle <milliseconds> Milliseconds to wait before doing another web request. If used, the --threads should be set to 1.
--help | -h This help screen.
--verbose | -v Verbose output.
--version Output the current version and exit.
Do 'non-intrusive' checks...
ruby wpscan.rb --url
Do wordlist password brute force on enumerated users using 50 threads...
ruby wpscan.rb --url --wordlist darkc0de.lst --threads 50
Do wordlist password brute force on the 'admin' username only...
ruby wpscan.rb --url --wordlist darkc0de.lst --username admin
Enumerate installed plugins...
ruby wpscan.rb --url --enumerate p
Run all enumeration tools...
ruby wpscan.rb --url --enumerate
Use custom content directory...
ruby wpscan.rb -u --wp-content-dir custom-content
Update WPScan's databases...
ruby wpscan.rb --update
Debug output...
ruby wpscan.rb --url --debug-output 2>debug.log