Welcome to the MITE (Minimum Information about a Tailoring Enzyme) Organization!
MITE is a community-driven data standard designed to summarize experimental data on the reactions and substrate specificities of natural product-acting tailoring enzymes. The data is structured in a machine-readable format to facilitate research, analysis, and interoperability.
For more information on the MITE data standard, check out our 📄preprint.
This page provides documents that regulate collaboration within the MITE project. These guidelines apply to all repositories governed by the MITE Data Standard.
- 📜Code of Conduct: guidelines for interacting with the project and its contributors
- 🤝Contributing: outline of modes and terms of contributions to MITE Data Standard repositories.
- 🏛Governance: description of governance, roles, responsibilities, and attribution
- 👥Discussion: a discussion board for interaction with the project.
- 📄Wiki: a Wiki for MITE maintainers and developers.
This page organizes several repositories associated to the MITE Data Standard:
Name | Description | Zenodo Badge | PyPI Badge |
mite_schema | Data model | ||
mite_extras | Validation functionality | ||
mite_data | Data repository | N/A | |
mite_web | Web app | N/A | |
mite_ml | Machine learning API | TBA | TBA |
See also the MITE Standard Zenodo Community page.