A command-line tool written in Zig to measure the performance of various UTF8 decoders. The decoders are written in Zig or C.
$ git clone https://github.com/mikdusan/benchmark.unicode.git
$ cd benchmark.unicode
$ zig build install -Drelease-fast
$ bin/bench -3 -m 10 -r 3 dat/wellons.dat
reading 8.00 MiB UTF-8 test data 'dat/wellons.dat'...
benchmark: mikdusan.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------
:: 328.72 MiB/s, 80.00 MiB data, 33.61M codepoints, 0 errors
:: 326.96 MiB/s, 80.00 MiB data, 33.61M codepoints, 0 errors
:: 330.59 MiB/s, 80.00 MiB data, 33.61M codepoints, 0 errors
average rate: 328.75 MiB/s
total UTF8 data: 240.00 MiB
total UTF8 codepoints: 100.83M
total UTF8 errors: 0
$ bin/bench --help
usage: bin/bench [-0123456hl] [-mrsv] [file]
Benchmark for various UTF-8 decoder implementations.
-# select benchmark case to perform (default: all)
-m num magnify data num-times within block (default: 1)
-r num repeat benchmark block num-times (default: 1)
-s num generate num MiB of random data (default: 1)
-v increase verbosity
-l list available benchmark cases and exit
-h display this help and exit
$ bin/bench -lv
## Benchmark Case
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
0 hoehrmann
- DFA-based C implementation
- source: http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de/utf-8/decoder/dfa/
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1 mikdusan.0
- novice Zig implementation
- iterator returns EOF (via optional)
- iterator returns illegal encoding (via error union)
- algorithm similar to `wellons.simple`
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
2 mikdusan.1
- delta from `mikdusan.0`
- iterator does NOT return EOF
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
3 mikdusan.2
- delta from `mikdusan.0`
- iterator returns EOF (via overloaded codepoint private-use)
- iterator returns illegal encoding (via codepoint private-use)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4 std.unicode
- Zig std.unicode implementation
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
5 wellons.branchless
- branchless C implementation
- source: https://github.com/skeeto/branchless-utf8
- four-byte reads, buffer end requires +3 bytes zero-padding
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
6 wellons.simple
- simple C implementation
- source: https://github.com/skeeto/branchless-utf8
$ zig version
$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.6
BuildVersion: 18G87