This service exposes methods to interact with a cache APIs. I have put API endpoints for Postman named "cache_api_collection.json" in the root folder. you can use it for more convenience.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file. Also, you can see .env.example file in the root folder.
The address of the your local MongoDB
Your preferred database name
Your preferred database name for test environment
Your preferred port number for running the app on that.
Step 1/5 - Clone the project:
git clone
Step 2/5 - Go to the project directory:
cd Cache-API
Step 3/5 - Install dependencies:
npm install
Step 4/5 - Start the server in the production environment:
npm start
Step 5/5 - Or start the server in the development environment:
npm run dev
Step 1/3 - Make sure you have an active local MongoDB Connection before starting your test. Your tests will be failed if you don't have an active local MongoDB Connection.
Step 2/3 - Make sure you filled up env variables according to the "Environment Variables" part.
Step 3/3 - To run tests, run the following command:
npm test