This repository contains the source code and documentation for the project developed as part of the course M7011E - Design of Dynamic Web Systems. The project focuses on building a dynamic web application implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities using Python, Django REST Framework, and MySQL.
The goal of this laboratory session was to create a simple CRUD API based web application that will be accessible by a regular browser. This involved constructing a straightforward web frontend but mostly focusing on the backend and managing the sverver-side database using SQL database structure. Throughout the process, Postman was utilized for testing and validating the functionality of the API endpoints.
This project uses the following development tools;
Demonstrating the CRUD functionality when an authorized example - student logs in with accurate credentials to access the Course lists, and illustrating the behavior when a non-authorized user attempts access.
Daniel Wallin
Mebaselassie Kidane Kebede