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Template for setting up a simple dev-ops pipeline for your Python code including code-analysis, testing and deployment.


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Python DevOps Template

This project is intended to be used as a template in order to set up a simple dev-ops pipeline for your Python code.


These use cases are accessible through a Makefile. A summary of the most important make targets can be obtained by running

make help

The following sections serve as a quickstart guide. More detailed documentation:

Python project structure

The project structure follows ideas discussed on stackoverflow. Most importantly for the following top-level components:

  • Use a file (this file).
  • Use a requirements.txt file for setting up development environment (refers to
  • Use a file for defining the app's pip deployment package (including development dependencies).
  • Use a file for advanced pip package build directives.
  • Use a LICENSE for defining users' rights and obligations.
  • Don't use an src directory (redundant) but a top-level Python import package (here sampleproject directory).
  • Use a tests directory for unit tests.
  • Use a scripts directory for storing scripts that are directly executable.
  • Use a Makefile for setting up development environment, building, testing, code quality reporting, deployment (run make help for an overview).
  • Use a Dockerfile that defines how to build and deploy the app in a container.


Development environment

Automatically install dependencies and symlink your sources to your Python environment. Note that also development dependencies will be installed automatically. Development dependencies, like linter and test tools, can be managed in addition to runtime dependencies.


  • Current working directory dev-ops
# virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies and symlink sources to PYTHONPATH
make install-dev
# run application
sampleproject --help

Code analyses

Run code analyses in your local Python development environment.


# run linters
make lint
# run unit tests
make test

Reporting to SonarQube

Start a SonarQube server. Run code analyses and report analysis results to SonarQube.


# start SonarQube Server
docker-compose -p sonarqube -f sonarqube/docker-compose.yml up -d
# wait until SonarQube has started at
  • Configure SonarQube through the web interface. Go to Administration - Security - Users and click Update Tokens in the Tokens column for a chosen user in order to generate an authentication token.
  • Configure Makefile by assigning the Makefile variable SONARTOKEN to the authentication token you just generated. You can configure to use a different SonarQube server with the variable SONARURL.
  • Note that you can also define the variables on the command-line instead of editing the Makefile.
# run code analyses and report to SonarQube
make sonar
# in order to specify configuration variables run
# make sonar SONARURL=<url> SONARTOKEN=<token>

More details on how to set up a SonarQube server in a dockerized environment can be found here.

Build Python wheel

Build a Python wheel package for your application that can easily be installed (sources and runtime dependencies) in another Python environment.


  • Current working directory dev-ops
# build the wheel
make dist

Test the installation of the package:

  • Set up a virtual environment outside the development directory (dev-ops) and activate it.
  • Install the wheel package in dev-ops/dist with pip install.

More details on Python packaging can be found here.

Build Docker image

Build a Docker image in two stages. The first stage runs unit tests, code analyses and builds a Python wheel package. The second stage installs the wheel from the first stage and is ready for deployment.


  • The build process in the first stage as well as the runtime environment in the second stage are independent from your local development environment.
  • Code analysis results are shown after the Docker build is finished.


  • Current working directory dev-ops
# build the Docker image
make docker-build
# run container
docker run --rm sampleproject

More details on Docker deployment can be found here.

Adapt this template for your project

You can easily adapt the template for your own project.

Command-line tools


  • Pick a <name> for your project (here sampleproject).
  • Put your code in a directory called <name>. Directory must contain This will be your top-level import package (e.g., import <name>).
  • Define the package version in <name>/ (default is __version__ = '0.1.0').
  • Put your unit tests in the tests directory. Directory must contain
  • Put your executable Python scripts in the scripts directory. Not required necessarily because you can define entry points based on Python functions in
  • Change to your needs.
    • Change the name to <name>. Important: The name must match the name of the top-level import directory.
    • Define the package sources. find_packages will search the include directories, i.e., the top-level import directory and sub-directories according to wildcards.
    • Define your (executable) entry points with scripts and/or entry_points. Important: One executable must be called <name> (see below).
    • Add package dependencies with install_requires.
    • Add additional (non source) files in package_data as needed.
    • Set package meta data, like license, author, etc.
    • Change development dependencies in extras_require as needed or define additional build targets.
  • Change the variables in the configuration sections of Makefile to your needs.
  • Change Dockerfile to your needs. This should be uncommon since the definitions/configurations are rather generic.
    • Change the ENTRYPOINT / CMD definition. Set the definition according to your own defaults (scripts/executables).
    • Change the runtime environment. The application is currently run as user user in working directory /home/user/app.


Dockerfile uses the bash script as ENTRYPOINT. For this purpose, it is expected that an executable <name> exists on the PATH in your Docker container.

  • executes the application <name> with all command-line arguments provided to docker run.
  • The <name> of the application is obtained through an environment variable. The environment variable is defined in the Docker container, see Dockerfile.
  • The value of the environment variable is obtained in Makefile with setuptools and passed as a build-arg to Dockerfile.


Template for setting up a simple dev-ops pipeline for your Python code including code-analysis, testing and deployment.





