Transcribe a youtube video into an easily readable HTML file
I've put up a sample transcription here if you want to see what the output looks like with thumbnails, and a sample without thumbnails here if you want to see what that looks like.
Right now, I think this only works on a mac. To install all the dependencies, run:
brew install ffmpeg jq python yt-dlp && pip install mlx_whisper
Once you have the dependencies installed, copy yt-transcribe
anywhere on your path. I recommend /usr/local/bin
. Then make sure it's executable with something like chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/yt-transcribe
If you would like to use this on a non-mac computer, let me know; it could be made to work with whisper.cpp fairly easily.
Please report any issues you find!
Usage: yt-transcribe [options] <youtube-url>
Transcribe a youtube video into an easily readable HTML file
-help: print this message
-outdir: the directory to put the output files in. [default /tmp/yttranscribe_cache]
-outfile: the name of the output HTML file
-thumbs: enable thumbnail generation
-thumbinterval: the interval between thumbnails, in seconds [default 30]
-v: print more verbose output
Assumes you have installed:
- ffmpeg
- jq
- mlx_whisper
- python
- yt-dlp
To install all on a mac:
`brew install ffmpeg jq python yt-dlp && pip install mlx_whisper`
Transcribe a youtube video:
yt-transcribe ''
Transcribe a video and insert thumbnails every 30 seconds (the default):
yt-transcribe -thumbs ''
Transcribe a video and insert thumbnails every 10 seconds:
yt-transcribe -thumbs -thumbinterval 10 ''
Transcribe a video to the 'look-around-you' directory, with a filename 'water.html':
yt-transcribe -thumbs -outdir ./look-around-you -outfile water.html ''
Because it's a lot faster on my machine