Scripts, tools & info for doing Bitcoin Core development and code review
UI tool for fine-tuning and testing your own LoRA models base on LLaMA, GPT-J and more. One-click run on Google Colab. + A Gradio ChatGPT-like Chat UI to demonstrate your language models.
Simple UI for LLM Model Finetuning
Annotation processor to create immutable objects and builders. Feels like Guava's immutable collections but for regular value objects. JSON, Jackson, Gson, JAX-RS integrations included
Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine.
Sample project to illustrate instant execution bugs in Android projects
General purpose utilities and hash functions for Android and Java (aka java-common)
an open source solution to application performance monitoring for java server applications
Sampling CPU and HEAP profiler for Java featuring AsyncGetCallTrace + perf_events
Visually explore your JMH Benchmarks
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
"Trust no one, bench everything." - sbt plugin for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)
vʌvr (formerly called Javaslang) is a non-commercial, non-profit object-functional library that runs with Java 8+. It aims to reduce the lines of code and increase code quality.
Code for the paper 'Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification'.
Open Source guidance from Zalando, Europe's largest online fashion platform
Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Solutions
Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Groovy Solutions
Exercise algorithms in Scala, Clojure, Groovy and Java 8
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
Everything you need to prepare for your technical interview
🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
Backport of functionality based on JSR-310 to Java SE 6 and 7. This is NOT an implementation of JSR-310.
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & IntelliJ Platform