Phawler is a crawling tool for PhantomJS which can be used for checking site's pages using various criteria and saving results to file. For example it can be used for searching for http links and assets on https pages. Phawler is modular and can be extended by adding new modules to provide new kinds of checking/processing and new reporters.
- Install PhantomJS
- Extract Phawler to any directory and run using PhantomJS.
- HTTP Assets and links (http) - checks for http links and assets, useful on https pages to avoid security warnings and errors.
- Scaled images (scaled) - checks for scaled (usually down) images by CSS styles so loaded images have different original size (usually bigger).
- Big files (bigfiles) - checks for big assets loaded on pages.
- Screenshot (screenshot) - makes screenshots of crawled pages.
- JSON (json) - saves crawling results reports to files in JSON format.
- XML (xml) - saves crawling results reports to files in XML format.
phantomjs phawler.js -u <site_url> <options>
-u, --url URL what will be crawled
-r, --report Reporter module. Available values: json (default), xml
-l, --limit Maximum number of pages that can be crawled
-c, --config Path to configuration file
-m, --modules Comma separated crawler modules list (All modules will be running by default)
-h, --help Display help information