CK Helper for CakePHP
Steps to Install
Download CkEditor and place it in the folder app/webroot/js/ckeditor
In your controller, or in AppController.php add the following like of code:
public $helpers = array('Ck')
- In your layout file (default is in app/View/Layouts/default.ctp) add the following line in your section:
echo $this->Html->script('ckeditor/ckeditor.js');
- Now in your view file, when you want to call the CK editor, you can use:
echo $this->Ck->input('field_name');
echo $this->Ck->input('Model.field_name');
Other options include:
echo $this->Ck->input('Model.field_name', array('label' => 'Custom Label'));
Hopefully this comes in use for some of you!