This module is used to manage vendors, there purchase orders and vendor performance metrics.
- Language - Python 3.10
- Backend Framework - Django rest framework
- Database - PostgreSQL
clone the git repository
git clone
Install docker on you system if it is not installed.
Install minikube on your system
Install Helm on your system
Install kubectl on your system
Start the minikube cluster
minikube start
Create a namespace for the vendor-svc
kubectl create namespace vendor-svc
Install the helm chart
helm install vendor-svc ./k8s/vendor-svc
Check the status of the pods
kubectl get pods -n vendor-svc
Port forward the service to access the APIs
kubectl port-forward k8s/vendor-svc 8000:8000 -n vendor-svc
To check the API swagger documnetation
To uninstall the helm chart
helm uninstall vendor-svc -n vendor-svc
Follow the steps in a chronological order to access the APIs
Enter the project root folder
cd vendor_management
To run the docker, build the image for any changes
docker-compose build
To start the app
docker-compose up -d
Wait for 3 or 4 minutes after the above command is run. Run database migrations
docker-compose run --rm vendor python migrate
Run Test suite
docker-compose run --rm vendor python test
To check the API swagger documnetation
To access any APIs, register as user check the doumentation
Once registered, access the token. To access any other APIs you need to add the token in the header as Authorization Token <token_value>
To stop the docker container
docker-compose down
Filter based on vendor id on purchase order list endpoint not documented on swagger.
- # we can use localhost too