During this time I made a community website of the many websites I made myself one was called dajwebs.com, where I e-mailed all my homework to myself, it was going to be a social website just for friends and games. Specifically was a Halo HTML website, and mxodreamwarriors.com (A Matrix Online MMO) clan, I also played City of Heroes, Villains, and Guild Wars 1 etc. I had custom rendered characters that animated upon each page load in, was pretty cool, I helped set this up I remember was very fun (Unfortunately I guess Sony Online Entertainment dropped the ball or priorities changed I don't know but if anyone knows of a project like this upcoming please let me know I'm interested):
Websites I've had created in my lifetime:
www.soulsofthefire.com (A community for Guild Wars 1)
A Saints Row 2 Website for the multiplayer mode run on a community forum utilizing php-bb
www.dajwebs.com and www.thejweb.com and www.jimsbr.com were once owned by me as well, the former were based on HTML and I developed them as a PHP and HTML website for friends. Developers, Developers, Developers! lol
Also, there was https://www.mxodreamwarriors.com for the video game The Matrix Online, That game was so fun I guess there was some cost issue with the publisher, I don't know what happened there, but I liked the game. The emulator still exists there is a community on Discord for it, I met very cool people while playing games I always enjoyed spending times with diverse groups of people.
https://www.easterncustoms.com this was a soft opening with some on-demand store tech at the time, but is dissolved. https://www.20XFive.com was the second LLC / sole proprietorship I paid for and is also now deprecated
The thought process behind it was century-long thinking such as in the Eastern Hemisphere there has been a better focus on low-time preference thinking I feel sometimes, whereas in the West-- it almost seems like maybe culturally we just tend to focus on one thing at once, just culture and communication.
I have several projects currently I'm dabbling with and own a few domains for now: https://www.bitcoincookie.com https://www.sunbirdcomputers.com https://www.sunbirdcomputer.com https://www.gamingcomputer.bitcoin (this one does not resolve for most browsers yet it uses unstoppable domains) Depending on my workload sunbirdcomputer may become operational and propagate through cyberspace I am a staunch advocate of using BTCPayServer.org as an open-source technology to empower individuals
Some music I enjoy:
My GitHub includes as well a lot of my backed up homework and then some, I made my own e-mail and I e-mailed all my high school homework to myself, as much as I could or remembered to.
There are lots of cool readme possibilities, kind of like the old MySpace days when you think about it,
"It's cool, it's just like a reflection of their personalities." - My High School Basketball Coach.
//In case you were unawares and stumbled upon my readme as a non-dev, learning computer science I highly recommend! Usually two forward slashes means this is a comment too at the beginning of this line :)
Now time to sound conceited? I animated my websites since Swish Max 2, with the help of some U.K. gamer friends :), Cracked adobe photoshop cs2 before it was free, php-nuke was more aesthetically interesting as a Content Management System (IMHO), (I better preferred three-column layouts, the whole infinite scroll is too addicting in my honest opinion, I am apprehensive about the current state of frontend development at this current conjecture in our history, I feel it is too gate-keeped).
In my humble opinion, these are technologies that should be open-sourced, dependent on the product.
I also liked Notepad++ on Windows XP, and I learned to Code cash registers in Visual Basic in high school, I always tried to focus, but watch out for those darn CD-ROM drives, I guess they make a nice cup holder? :P