My *NIX environment: Packages, profile, scripts, etc, for every day use and/or software development, either on a dedicated machine or a container.
The primary motivators for this project are to
- Document my preferred development environment.
- Package it up in a Docker Container that I can run on Windows in place of Git for Windows and Windows Subsystem for Linux, because of how SLOW those environments are. Things have gotten better some time in later 2018, so that WSL is not nearly as slow as it used to be, but still pretty inconvenient.
In order to appeal to a wide audience, there are multiple layers of files
- base layer applicable to any linux user comfortable with the commandline
- layer for developers (git, VS Code, DBeaver)
- layer for MS-centric developers (Azure CLI and Azure Data Studio)
If you configure your Windows >= 10 or Server >= 2016 to use Docker, you can run a linux container, which uses an actual Linux kernel, and get things done in 1-10% of the time required by non-native Linux-on-Windows solutions.
NOTE: If you use a bind mount to share your files between the Windows host and the container, Docker will make an SMB share behind the scenes. From within the container, I have observed that file access is about 10% as fast as with the native Linux filesystem.
For this reason, I created a docker volume to hold the development files. I tried using Guido Diepen's volume-sharer container to access the files from Windows. Unfortunately, this is also very slow; you have to click through popup warnings about non-local files, and Visual Studio doesn't seem to notice when files update. VS is also significantly slower. I don't know if there is a graceful solution:(. I'm currently using an rsync-based script to compare and sync between the container filesystem and the windows host filesystem, and have been using that without any significant problems. You can call it in one of three ways:
- cmphost: compare container filesystem to the corresponding location on the host
- sethost: copy files from the container to the corresponding location on the host
- gethost: copy files from the corresponding location on the host to the container
You get into the container via ssh using key-based authentication.
The container startup script assumes there's a /hosthome mount and looks
for users with a ".ssh" folder, and then proceeds to create each of those
users inside the container and copies in the user's public keys. So each
interested user should run ssh-keygen
if they don't yet have keys.
If you plan to use the container for development purposes, you'll
definitely want to create a volume to mount as /home
so that your work
survives container restarts.
docker volume create userdata
See container-start*
files and/or docker compose files in the container
folder of the nix-nice git repo.
On Windows, you'd issue a command like this:
docker run --detach ^
-e "MYTZ=America/Chicago" ^
-e "MYLOCALE=en_US.utf8" ^
--mount type=bind,source="C:\Users",target=/hosthome ^
--mount type=volume,source=userdata,target=/home ^
-p 9922:22 ^
-h nix-nice ^
--name nix-nice ^
variables cause the container startup script
to set the container's time zone, and generate the specified locale.
The hosthome
bind mount is required if users are to ssh
into the
The userdata
volume mount holds users' home directories in the
container, so that when the container is re-started, their data is
The -p
option maps the desired port to the container's SSH port.
You can use 22 if you like, or any other port.
The -h
option sets the host name.
The --name
option sets the docker container name (as displayed by
docker ps
Be sure to specify the desired tag name in place of TagNameGoesHere
In a *NIX environment, you'd issue the same command as above, but with
backslashes (\) instead of carets (^) as the line continuation character,
and you'd specify /home
in place of C:\Users
in the bind mount.
Use ssh
to connect to the container. You may use X11 forwarding.
On Windows, I recommend using SmarTTY,
since it comes bundled with an X server.
- Git Credential Manager for Mac & Linux requires a java runtime, which significantly bloats the container size. For now, just use Personal Access Tokens. The default git config file will cache the credentials for 10 hours, so you should only need to enter your name & token once per day.
- The original image was based on Alpine Linux because the resulting container image builds faster and is much smaller than the corresponding Ubuntu-based image. However, Alpine is based on the musl c library, rather than glibc. Electron (the framework upon which Atom, VS Code, SQL Data Studio, and other cool toys are built) doesn't work with musl. I switched to Ubuntu. It also has more packages that I'm interested in, so the Dockerfiles tend to be more straight-forward.
- Scour the internet for cool things to add. For example, CLI Improved
- Figure out how Git Bash determines user IDs.
Somehow the "id" command knows about all the users in my organization,
and spits out a unique 7 digit number for each person. We all seem to
share the same group id. It's tied to Active Directory somehow, but I
don't know exactly how. And when I run
whoami -all
from a powershell window, it dumps out an awful lot of information, but the UID and GID that Git Bash reports are nowhere to be found. Runningstrace id
shows references topwdgrp::fetch_account_from_windows
. This isn't important for individual use of the container, but if the container is shared on a terminal server, it's important to keep everyone's user IDs consistent. MS claims to be working on AD authentication for Linux containers under mssql-docker issue #165. There are at least two other issues that have been folded into it, but thus far nothing has come of it. - Graphical apps are quite sluggish using X forwarding on Windows. Couldn't get x2go Windows client work. There is much better performance when coding in a browser via code-server. This seems to be much less of an issue on Linux. Perhaps X Servers on Windows are just slow?
- Allow LCOW? Currently, the
syntax doesn't work. I'm sure there are other issues as well.