- Bangkok, Thailand
seedbank Public
Seedbank gives your seed data a little structure. Create seeds for each environment, share seeds between environments and specify dependencies to load your seeds in order. All nicely integrated wit…
canard Public
Makes role based authorization in Rails really simple. Wraps CanCan and RoleModel up with a smattering of syntactic sugar, some generators and scopes.
reports Public
A simple CSV reporting library. Very early code. Use at your own risk.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 4, 2017 -
rspec.tmbundle Public
Forked from rspec/rspec.tmbundleTextmate bundle for RSpec.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 2, 2017 -
jiffy_bag Public
Package up neat little anonymous structs for inter service communication.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 31, 2017 -
sidekiq Public
Forked from sidekiq/sidekiqSimple, efficient background processing for Ruby
Ruby Other UpdatedJul 29, 2017 -
grape-cache_control Public
Forked from karlfreeman/grape-cache_controlCache-Control and Expires helpers for Grape
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2017 -
grape-entity Public
Forked from ruby-grape/grape-entityAn API focused facade that sits on top of an object model.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2017 -
grape Public
Forked from ruby-grape/grapeAn opinionated framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 6, 2017 -
closure_tree Public
Forked from ClosureTree/closure_treeEasily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord models support hierarchies
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 9, 2016 -
wisper-testing Public
Forked from krisleech/wisper-testingHelpers for testing Wisper publisher/subscribers.
statesman Public
Forked from gocardless/statesmanA statesmanlike state machine library.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 17, 2016 -
working_hours Public
Forked from Intrepidd/working_hours⏰ A modern ruby gem allowing to do time calculation with business / working hours.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 31, 2015 -
state_machines-activemodel-observers Public
Forked from state-machines/state_machines-activemodel-observersRuby MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2015 -
state_machines-activerecord Public
Forked from state-machines/state_machines-activerecordStateMachines Active Record Integration
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 29, 2015 -
authlogic Public
Forked from binarylogic/authlogicA simple model based ruby authentication solution.
cancan Public
Forked from ryanb/cancanAuthorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
FlexSlider-ManualDirectionControls Public
Forked from markirby/FlexSlider-ManualDirectionControlsAn extension to FlexSlider2 that allows you to use your own left/right navigation instead of the default.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 20, 2012 -
role_model Public
Forked from martinrehfeld/role_modelRoleModel is the framework agnostic, efficient and declarative way to do user roles.
inflection Public
Port of Rails ActiveSupport Inflection into JavaScript
rr Public
Forked from btakita/rrRR (Double Ruby) is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax.
authlogic_facebook_shim Public
An authlogic add-on to pick up javascript authenticated users and log them in with authlogic using Koala or any other wrapper you choose to add an adapter for.
annotate_models Public
Forked from ctran/annotate_modelsAnnotate ActiveRecord models as a gem
acts_as_follower Public
Forked from tcocca/acts_as_followerA Plugin to add Follow functionality for models
version Public
Forked from stouset/versionSimple version-numbering encoding and helper methods
tunnlr_connector Public
Forked from mmangino/tunnlr_connectorA plugin for interacting with tunnlr on both unix and windows. Uses the net::ssh gem
GDocs4Ruby Public
Forked from kevTheDev/GDocs4RubyGDocs4Ruby is a wrapper for version 2 of the Google Documents API