This is the branch for
VuePress Next
Certain combinations of plugins may not work properly, and things may change or break until we reach beta
phase. Do not use in production yet unless you are adventurous.
For 0.x, it's moved to 0.x branch and still maintained, the website was switching to
Note that we are working hard to improve the documentation and contributions welcome if you keep up with the latest changes.
Minimalistic docs generator with Vue component based layout system
yarn add vuepress -D # Install 0.x.x.
yarn add vuepress@next -D # Install next.
Built-in markdown extensions
Using Vue in Markdown
Vue-powered custom theme system
Default theme
- Responsive layout
- Optional Homepage
- Simple out-of-the-box header-based search
- Algolia Search
- Customizable navbar and sidebar
- Auto-generated GitHub link and page edit links
- PWA: Popup UI to refresh contents
- Last Updated
Websites built with VuePress:
Vue Ecosystem
Please make sure your version of Node.js is greater than 8.
yarn dev # serves VuePress' own docs with itself
yarn test # make sure your code change pass the test
If you intend to make "substantial"
changes to VuePress or its documentation, please checkout VuePress RFCs.