This has been tested with sqlite, PostGres, and MySQL, using database/sql
, pq
, pgx
, and sqlx
By the nature of how it works it should be fully compatible with any DB interface and database that uses ?
or $
parameter syntax.
- Simple, lightweight, and fast
- Supports any and all syntax by the nature of how it works
- Doesn't require learning special syntax or operators
- 100% test coverage
q := bqb.New("SELECT * FROM places WHERE id = ?", 1234)
sql, params, err := q.ToSql()
SELECT * FROM places WHERE id = ?
PARAMS: [1234]
Just call the ToPgsql()
method instead of ToSql()
to convert the query to Postgres syntax
q := bqb.New("DELETE FROM users").
Space("WHERE id = ? OR name IN (?)", 7, []string{"delete", "remove"}).
Space("LIMIT ?", 5)
sql, params, err := q.ToPgsql()
DELETE FROM users WHERE id = $1 OR name IN ($2, $3) LIMIT $4
PARAMS: [7, "delete", "remove", 5]
Obvious warning: You should not use this for user input
The ToRaw()
call returns a string with the values filled in rather than parameterized
q := New("a = ?, b = ?, c = ?", "my a", 1234, nil)
sql, err := q.ToRaw()
a = 'my a', b = 1234, c = NULL
q := bqb.New(
"int:? string:? []int:? []string:? Query:? JsonMap:? nil:? []intf:?",
1, "2", []int{3, 3}, []string{"4", "4"}, bqb.New("5"), bqb.JsonMap{"6": 6}, nil, []interface{}{"a",1,true},
sql, _ := q.ToRaw()
int:1 string:'2' []int:3,3 []string:'4','4' Query:5 JsonMap:'{"6":6}' nil:NULL []intf:'a',1,true
Arguments of type []string
, []int
, or []interface{}
are automatically expanded.
q := bqb.New(
"strs:(?) *strs:(?) ints:(?) *ints:(?) intfs:(?)",
[]string{"a", "b"}, []*string{}, []int{1, 2}, []*int{}, []interface{}{3, true},
sql, params, _ := q.ToSql()
SQL: strs:(?,?) *strs:(?) ints:(?,?) *ints:(?) intfs:(?,?)
PARAMS: [a b <nil> 1 2 <nil> 3 true]
There are two helper structs, JsonMap
and JsonList
to make JSON conversion a little simpler.
sql, err := bqb.New(
"INSERT INTO my_table (json_map, json_list) VALUES (?, ?)",
bqb.JsonMap{"a": 1, "b": []string{"a","b","c"}},
INSERT INTO my_table (json_map, json_list)
VALUES ('{"a": 1, "b": ["a","b","c"]}', '["string",1,true,null]')
Since queries are built in an additive way by reference rather than value, it's easy to mutate a query without having to reassign the result.
sel := bqb.New("SELECT")
// later
// even later
SELECT id,age,email
The Optional(string)
function returns a query that resolves to an empty string if no query parts have
been added via methods on the query instance. For example q := Optional("SELECT")
will resolve to
an empty string unless parts have been added by one of the methods,
e.g q.Space("* FROM my_table")
would make q.ToSql()
resolve to SELECT * FROM my_table
sel := bqb.Optional("SELECT")
if getName {
if getId {
if !getName && !getId {
from := bqb.New("FROM my_table")
where := bqb.Optional("WHERE")
if filterAdult {
adultCond := bqb.New("name = ?", "adult")
if ageCheck {
adultCond.And("age > ?", 20)
where.And("(?)", adultCond)
if filterChild {
where.Or("(name = ? AND age < ?)", "youth", 21)
q := bqb.New("? ? ?", sel, from, where).Space("LIMIT ?", 10)
Assuming all values are true, the query would look like:
SELECT name,id FROM my_table WHERE (name = 'adult' AND age > 20) OR (name = 'youth' AND age < 21) LIMIT 10
If getName
and getId
are false, the query would be
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE (name = 'adult' AND age > 20) OR (name = 'youth' AND age < 21) LIMIT 10
If filterAdult
is false
, the query would be:
SELECT name,id FROM my_table WHERE (name = 'youth' AND age < 21) LIMIT 10
If all values are false
, the query would be:
SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT 10
Methods on the bqb Query
struct follow the same pattern.
That is the method name indicates how to join the new part to the existing query. And all methods take a string (the query text) and variable length interface (the query args).
For example q.And("abc")
will add AND abc
to the query.
Take the following
q := bqb.Optional("WHERE")
q.Space("1 = 2") // query is now WHERE 1 = 2
q.And("b") // query is now WHERE 1 = 2 AND b
q.Or("c") // query is now WHERE 1 = 2 AND b OR c
q.Concat("d") // query is now WHERE 1 = 2 AND b OR cd
q.Comma("e") // query is now WHERE 1 = 2 AND b OR cd,e
q.Join("+", "f") // query is now WHERE 1 = 2 AND b OR cd,e+f
Valid args
include string
, int
, floatN
, *Query
, []int
, or []string
It's not really necessary because the API is so tiny and public methods are documented in code. Most of the documentation will be around how to use SQL. However, you can check out the tests to see the variety of usages.
Bqb provides several benefits over a string builder:
For example let's say we use the string builder way to build the following:
var params []interface{}
var whereParts []string
q := "SELECT * FROM my_table "
if filterAge {
params = append(params, 21)
whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("age > $%d ", len(params)))
if filterBobs {
params = append(params, "Bob%")
whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("name LIKE $%d ", len(params)))
if len(whereParts) > 0 {
q += "WHERE " + strings.Join(whereParts, " AND ") + " "
if limit != nil {
params = append(params, limit)
q += fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT $%d", len(params))
// SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE age > $1 AND name LIKE $2 LIMIT $3
Some problems with that approach
- You must perform a string join for the various parts of the where clause
- You must remember to include a trailing or leading space for each clause
- You have to keep track of parameter count (for Postgres anyway)
- It's kind of ugly
The same logic can be achieved with bqb
a bit more cleanly
q := bqb.New("SELECT * FROM my_table")
where := bqb.Optional("WHERE")
if filterAge {
where.And("age > ?", 21)
if filterBobs {
where.And("name LIKE ?", "Bob%")
q.Space("?", where)
if limit != nil {
q.Space("LIMIT ?", limit)
// SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE age > $1 AND name LIKE $2 LIMIT $3
Both methods will allow you to remain close to the SQL, however the bqb
approach will
- Easily adapt to MySQL or Postgres without changing parameters
- Hide the "WHERE" clause if both
are false
Take the following typical query example:
q := qb.Select("*").From("users").Where(qb.And{qb.Eq{"name": "Ed"}, qb.Gt{"age": 21}})
Vs the bqb way:
q := bqb.New("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ? AND age > ?", "ed", 21)
Okay, so a simple query it might make sense to use something like bqb
, but what about grouped queries?
A query builder can handle this in multiple ways, a fairly common pattern might be:
q := qb.Select("name").From("users")
and := qb.And{}
if checkAge {
and = append(and, qb.Gt{"age": 21})
if checkName {
or := qb.Or{qb.Eq{"name":"trusted"}}
if nullNameOkay {
or = append(or, qb.Is{"name": nil})
and = append(and, or)
q = q.Where(and)
// SELECT name FROM users WHERE age > 21 AND (name = 'trusted' OR name IS NULL)
Contrast that with the bqb
q := bqb.New("SELECT name FROM users")
where := bqb.Optional("WHERE")
if checkAge {
where.And("age > ?", 21)
if checkName {
or := bqb.New("name = ?", "trusted")
if nullNameOkay {
or.Or("name IS ?", nil)
where.And("(?)", or)
q.Space("?", where)
// SELECT name FROM users WHERE age > 21 AND (name = 'trusted' OR name IS NULL)
It seems to be a matter of taste as to which method appears cleaner.