Starred repositories
Documenting some of my CVE exploits and learning how to be a bug hunter.
Fair-code workflow automation platform with native AI capabilities. Combine visual building with custom code, self-host or cloud, 400+ integrations.
Local File Inclusion discovery and exploitation tool
Nuclei SaaS 化服务漏洞扫描平台并集成 AssetsDetectAPI 资产搜集服务。
Find specific users in active directory via their username and logon IP address
这是一款图形化的代码审计工具,支持对规则进行增删改查。可协助代码审计人员在日常代审中对于规则的积累。其中配置页面可配置:审计文件后缀、审计路径关键字、禁止审计路径关键字。支持 java php net项目审计。
一款便捷、实用的Nuclei POC 管理工具。A convenient and practical Nuclei POC management tool.
This is an SQL file of Oxford English Dictionary. It includes more than 41,OOO words! Just import the SQL.
Auto-scrubbing of articles and auto-likes in discourse
Automated Hosting Information Hunting Tool - Windows 主机信息自动化狩猎工具
A BloodHound collector for Microsoft Configuration Manager
A simple sample using the Windows.Graphics.Capture APIs in a Win32 application.