Automating x64dbg using Python.
Works with:
Get PyQt5 here. Video tutorial here.
- Visual Studio 2015 Community:
- Python 2.7 x64 + x86 && pip (Python 2.7.10 has pip on it) -
- Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7:
- PyCharm Community Edition (If you are python developer) :
- Install Python 2.7.10 (x64 + x86) In seperate folders
- Install Visual Studio 2015 Community.
- Open setenv.bat from the project folder.
- Compile the win32 and win64 dlls.
- Copy the release folder from the snapshot to the project directory.
- Run install32.bat and install64.bat.
- Run install.bat (git hook for code buetify)
- Test your code
- Read PEP8:
- I need help with the swig / cpp development,
- Translating the event callbacks to swig and use it without the code in py.cpp file.
- Connecting ipython interpreter to x64dbgpy.
- Python multiprocessing with x64dbgpy plugin (Python embedded).