This Notepad++ plugin requires .NET v4.0 or higher.
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Starting from v1.3 plugin delivers full support for VB.NET syntax. More reading...
This plugin allows convenient editing and execution of the C# code (scripts). It also allows the usual C# intellisense and project management tasks to be performed in a way very similar to the MS Visual Studio.
In addition to this, it provides generic debugging functionality (with the integrated Managed Debugger) as well as the ability to prepare C# scripts for the deployment packages (script+engine or self-contained executable).
Typically user opens the C# file with Notepad++ and after presses 'Load' button on the CS-Script toolbar the all features can be accessed through two Notepad++ dockable panels Project and Output panel.
Note: the default compiler engine of the plugin is Roslyn. The engine fully supports both C# and VB.NET syntax but there is some usability information for these syntaxes that you may need to be aware of. See C# 7 support for and VB.NET support details.
- CLR type members auto-complete (Ctrl+Space or type '.')
- Add missing 'using' (Ctrl+.)
- Show CLR type quick info. (Hover mouse over the type member)
- Show Method Overloads popup. (F6 or type '(')
- Go to definition (F12)
- in the source code
- in the reconstructed referenced assembly API interface (including XML documentation)
- Smart Indentation
- Formatting C# source code
- CodeMap - panel with the class members of the current .cs document
Based on 'plain vanilla' ECMA-compliant C# code
Inclusion of the dependency scripts via CS-Script directives
Implicit assembly referencing via automatic resolving namespaces into assemblies
Explicit assembly referencing via CS-Script directives
Debug output interception
Console output interception
Conventional build/execution error reporting
- Step Over
- Step In
- Step Out
- Set Next Statement
- Toggle breakpoint
- 'Call Stack'
- 'Locals'
Preparing the script deployment package so it can be executed outside of Notepad++.
The plugin is a part of CS-Script tools for Notepad++ suite. All details on the system requirements, installation and usage can be found on CS-Script.Npp home page.
After the installation start Notepad++ and click "Project Panel" button on the toolbar (or "Project Panel" menu item in the Plugins->CS-Script menu).
Then Click 'New Script' button. The script is ready. Just press F5 and see the script being executed.