Gotify Android connects to gotify/server and shows push notifications on new messages.
- show push notifications on new messages
- view and delete messages
Download the apk or get the app via F-Droid or Google Play.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
By default Android kills long running apps as they drain the battery. With enabled battery optimization, Gotify will be killed and you wont receive any notifications.
Here is one way to disable battery optimization for Gotify.
- Open "Settings"
- Search for "Battery Optimization"
- Find "Gotify" and disable battery optimization
See also for phone manufacturer specific instructions to disable battery optimizations.
Only possible for Android version >= 8
The foreground notification showing the connection status can be manually minimized to be less intrusive:
- Open Settings -> Apps -> Gotify
- Click Notifications
- Click on
Gotify foreground notification
- Toggle the "Minimize" option / Select a different "Behavior" or "Importance" (depends on your Android version)
- Restart Gotify
Notification | Gotify Priority |
- | 0 |
Icon in notification bar | 1 - 3 |
Icon in notification bar + Sound | 4 - 7 |
Icon in notification bar + Sound + Vibration | 8 - 10 |
Use Java 17 and execute the following command to build the apk.
$ ./gradlew build
- Run
./gradlew generateSwaggerCode
- Delete
(client is a gradle sub project and must not have a settings.gradle) - Delete
block fromclient/build.gradle
- Delete
implementation "“
- Insert missing bracket in
method of classsrc/main/java/com/github/gotify/client/auth/OAuth
- Commit changes
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details