This is a toy repository containing a few visibility rules
that should help you to get started writing own rules.
You can amend the pants-plugins/
rules or modify the Python source code and see what kind of
violations your changes trigger. For instance, adding
from src.apps.geometry.implementation import calculate_rectangle_area
to src/apps/algebra/
would trigger the following violation:
DependencyRuleActionDeniedError: src/apps/algebra/ has 1 dependency violation:
* src/apps/algebra/BUILD[!*] -> src/apps/geometry/BUILD[!*] : DENY
python_sources src/apps/algebra/ -> python_sources src/apps/geometry/
because an application is not allowed to import from another application.
There's a branch named dependency-violations
containing multiple violations that you can check out to learn more.
- Application
cannot import from applicationsrc/apps/geometry
and vice versa; they can depend onsrc/apps/utils/
and certain 3rd party requirements (onlyclick
). src/apps/utils
can only be imported from thesrc/apps
and cannot depend onsrc/shared
cannot depend on anything other than the code within thesrc/shared
- Tests in a test suite cannot depend on non-code resources from another test suite (e.g.
cannot depend on files fromtests/integration
). - Tests in a test suite cannot depend on code in test modules from another test suite (e.g.
cannot depend on code fromtests/integration/
). - Helpers modules in a test suite can only depend on source code in the same suite and cannot depend on sources
from another test suite (e.g.
cannot depend ontests/unit/
). - Tests in a test suite can depend on
files in the test suite and up in the directory hierarchy (e.g.tests/unit/
can depend ontests/unit/
, but it cannot depend ontests/integration/